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Abdul Malik

News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Is Donald Trump Anti-Muslim?


Entrepreneur | Posted on


It’s no secret that Donald Trump is anti-Muslim. Even with his desperate attempts to distinguish his remarks on Islam and terrorisms, he has failed to convince the majority.

He once said “I love Muslims… I think they’re great people.” In another one of his interviews, he said: “I think Islam hates us”.

From saying that he will kick out the Muslim Syrian refugees to accusing American Muslims of celebrating 9/11 to the possibility of closing down the mosques in the country—he has said all kinds of nasty things about the Muslim population in the runner-up to the election and as President.

And let’s not forget his executive orders banning Muslims from selected countries.

So yes, Donald Trump is anti-Muslim. And he has made this pretty clear from Day one. His comments on Muslims are outrageous. And the saddest part is, many Americans empathize with his views, even when what he says is based on blatant lies and incorrect facts.


Blogger | Posted on

Sounds pretty anti-Muslim to me. The travel bans that he has incessantly sought to impose from the minute he swore the oath of office, with the alleged intention of protecting the country from “Radical Islamic terrorism”, did not even discriminate among Muslims from countries where terrorists originated from. They were blanket bans, capturing students, legal visa holders, relatives of legal residents in the United States. They captured everyone, except of course Muslims from those countries, like Saudi Arabia, where Trump had business interests. And which, coincidentally, terrorists who have attacked the United States actually emanated from.


Blogger | Posted on

Probably not.

Trump is a sad excuse for a man. He is a narcissist so he has little interest in anything unless it affects him. He glides through life surrounded by "Yes" men and attorneys and experts to clean up the chaos he leaves behind him. He has always thrown money at any problem, preferably the money of his majority investors, not his own.

He lives in fear and reacts rather than thinking through. Everything is short term and about "the deal".


Blogger | Posted on

Why a Muslim (or any individual who trusts in strict resistance) would decide in favor of Mr. Trump is an inquiry for one more day. In any case, the short response to this inquiry is... not so much. Unmistakably, Mr. Trump is an endorser of the "great Muslim" hypothesis - that is, a portion of his best and rewarding professional interactions in the Arab world have been with well off Muslim businesspeople, and on the off chance that you asked, he would state they dislike those different Muslims- - they are "acceptable Muslims." That is the manner by which narrow minded people regularly protect themselves from charges that they are extremists - "However I am agreeable with [name of individual from minority religion], so I can't in any way, shape or form be a biased person." obviously, the remainder of the Muslims, the ones he doesn't work with, are to be treated with doubt and scorn, and viewed as potential fear mongers. Actually, I think Mr. Trump is a smart lawmaker, giving the base of his gathering what they need to hear. However, the issue with his methodology is this: when a lawmaker like Mr. Trump keeps on rambling enemy of Muslim or against outsider talk sufficiently long, it's simple enough for that government official to begin trusting it.