The straightforward answer to this question is a big YES. In the past few years, the central government has not come up with any particular policy that can help the people of Kashmir and free them from the grip of terrorism. Those who call themselves as the leader of this state must be nabbed and exposed as they are key people for this devastation of the state.
courtesy: ORFONLINE
It is a bitter fact that the Indian government has failed completely in winning the trust of common people here. The article 370 is a big hurdle in the way of development of this state and must be abolished immediately, but there are political leaders who try to use it for their benefit. There is no industry and growth in any segment in this state. It still depends on traditional resources such as farming, tourism and handicraft.
This state needs good political leaders who can think about the betterment of the state and not self-interest. The government needs to have president rule here for the long term and remove all the separatists. The gates of this state must be opened for the industries that can offer employment to the youth of the state. There must be good governance that can help people improve their living here. After all such improvements only, the valley can be true heaven on the earth.