Is it normal to feel totally devastated when a short relationship ends? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

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Is it normal to feel totally devastated when a short relationship ends?


For me, I feel it is normal to feel devastated when a short relationship ends. Yes, sometimes it takes a lot of work and time to turn the darkness into light, along the journey you learn many things. You rediscover yourself and discover the tools of self-soothing and rewiring negative ways of thinking. Whether it is a short or long-term relationship, the pain in a breakup is the same. And it is very natural for anything to feel devastated. Some things you should accept in a post-break-up heartbreak.


The society where we live always motivates us to move forward and the quicker is the better. It says one equates strength with only those who have the power through any challenge or hardship with efficiency and speed. This might work in the corporate world, but when it comes to heart, no rules are obeyed. No powerful emotions can be maintained like this. There is no magic button to press to just " get over it ." There is nothing wrong with feeling sad, or crying and taking time to carefully recover and then get back up. There is nothing wrong with being vulnerable. Feeling devastated or sad over something or someone after a breakup is a very natural process when your brain is actually in withdrawal. Anthropologist Helen Fisher says that “Love is not an emotion—it’s a motivation system, it’s a drive, it’s part of the reward system of the brain.” researchers show that when recently you broke up, then you show activity in the ventral tegmental area of the brain that is associated with the reward and motivation, and specifically the release of dopamine, which is commonly also seen in drug addiction.