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abhishek rajput

Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on | Education

Is Mahatma Gandhi the real reason for the independence of India?


Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on

  • We can't say Gandhi is just explanation behind autonomy however well he was the individual who channelized indian battle for independence,as we as a whole realize that Gandhi was the individual to remember masses for to opportunity battle which was not happening much before him it was just battle of not many patriots for political rights that is to get into committee's and so on
  • However, when Gandhi went into India the entire development took a turn Ghandhi ment for complete opportunity of India from British and he saw the strength of India and shortcomings of India that is indians can't battle British with arms and labor bcoz absence of tech and no indegenious tech to face British and he didn't had any desire to squander anybody's blood in name of opportunity battle.
  • He needed to clarify that how severely British were misusing indian and thier assets by his techniques like Satyagraha,Non participation movement,civil defiance development etc..Which made indians to endure for the sake of punishments,killings and so forth Yet, finally this techniques made India to acquire Independence
  • Another significant thing Ghandhi comprehended beat of individuals which can join all into one crease was religion and he utilized it a great deal by praising past and what was India before ,how it was administered and how overflow it wsd , even he joined Muslims by khalifat development
  • This assertion in itself is an affront to the n number of political dissident who forfeited everything including their lives for the freedom of this country. Freedom wasn't simple that MK Gandhi with the assistance of Nehrus grabbed from the Britishers and served to individuals of this country. Ages drain their blood to keep the battle of opportunity alive even before MK Gandhi participate.


Also Read :- Who was the political guru of mahatma gandhi ?