Is Narendra Modi the best Indian Prime Minister ever? - letsdiskuss
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Priya Gupta

Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Is Narendra Modi the best Indian Prime Minister ever?


BLOGGER | Posted on

Narendra Modi is a decent PM there is no uncertainty about it.The careful strike in the LOC demonstrates that he has clear thought how to stop invasion. In this world the hypothesis of non arrangement does not go.You need to go either towards the Russians or towards the USA. Russian provided us with waste armed force gear taking guise of the bargain. President Trump needs business and the US organizations are provided us the cutting edge fighting hardware. One thing is sure if a third World War is there it will be in the dirt of Asia. So we expect partners to encourage us. Pakistan and China are both our foe. On the off chance that in future we need to open two front against them we require current fighting hardware. Mr Modi's Government has take the correct way by making the arrangement of Raphael.

Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of which states?


Blogger | Posted on

Yes Narendra Modi the best Indian Prime Minister ever


blogger | Posted on

I need to include another viewpoint.

For making a decision about an executive to be best ever, we additionally need to need to see the conditions in which that Prime Minister worked.

Pandit Nehru

He had the whole obligation of the country after the early death of Gandhiji and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel. India was getting used to the new equitable technique, and separated from Nehru, there were just a bunch of pioneers in India who comprehended and had a nearness in the worldwide governmental issues.

The time of Pandit Nehru was additionally a period when the two superpowers of our reality were attempting their level best to get the nations on their sides. Pandit Nehru needs to take incredible consideration of this issue. The steady risk of Pakistan and China just made the conditions all the more trying for him.

This puts Pandit Nehru in a completely unique class of Prime Ministers as nobody after him turned into the Indian PM in those sorts of conditions. Just Pandit Nehru found the opportunity to have a meeting with the predetermination of India in such an overwhelming situation.

PV Narsimha Rao

At the point when he became PM, India was days from liquidation. Also, he headed a minority government and was a Non-Gandhi PM, a lot to the torment of Gandhi family. Additionally, during his time just, the issue of Ram Mandir with the assistance of BJP became the dominant focal point in the country which prompted Babri Masjid Demolition followed by uproars and psychological militant assaults in the numerous pieces of the nation.

One can just envision the psychological weight Rao confronted while changing the Indian economy from the grip of decades-old communism. He was bullied constantly with the risk of toppling of the administration. He routinely searched out the help of the resistance to proceed with his administration. All things considered, Rao had the option to haul India out of a monetary dark gap and put us on a correct way.


Blogger | Posted on

Presently Modi… almost certainly his goals are great and is a genuine loyalist yet to be straightforward I see no motivation to mark him as the best Prime pastor (atleast in these three and half years). Indeed he has benefited some work (Swachha Bharat Abhiyaan being the best one!) and has promoted well as well yet he needs to complete a ton and part to coordinate his guarantees with his activity and results. Modi isn't the best prime minster atleast of now. Perhaps following 10 years? Let us not be fretful and hang tight to see the aftereffects of his choices and activities to choose where he really stands.


Blogger | Posted on

It is ill-advised to look at 17 yrs of Nehru, 14 yrs of Mrs Indira Nehru, 10 yrs of MMS and 6 yrs of Atalji with 2 years of Modijee. Be that as it may if we somehow managed to limit the comparision for the initial two years and the flight which every one provided for the natives of the area then I trust Modijee would turn out at the best. Nehruji had many low hanging natural products , began with fresh start, no innovation to share realities yet no steady survellence as well, Indraji was a greater amount of tyrant and every one of these individuals had RS lion's share.

So given the imperatives and confining the residency to initial 2 years Modijee can be named the beest PM attributable to the intiatives he took - Jan Dhan yojana - linkiing crores to managing an account division, Insurance to poor, to agriculturists, he is endeavoring to enhance the infratsructural things. He isn't going for modest mainstream measures however the ones which will yield results after 4-5 yrs. Economy to develop ta 7-8% and put India on quick track. Atalji did likewise yet he had the alliance government.

Modijee has the edge here in spite of the fact that RS is a noteworthy barricade . Recovery has occurred and economy is helped by demonstration of GOD as well - the rough costs are at record-breaking low. Albeit poor rainstorm has had its own negative angles and dry spell like circumstance in numerous parts of nation has lessened the effect of good days. Debasement is at an unequaled low atleast in higher echelons of the power focus and government is working for the general population. It is responsive and augmented administration . I will stand out my neck and confining to initial two years of residency he will come on top even on foregin approach - the standing we have today maybe we never had.


Blogger | Posted on

Yes, Mr. Modi is the best PM of India so, because of the following reasons:

1. Modi is an honest man and none of his minister is a scammer.
2.He has improved the image of the country.
3.BJP is the only democratic party of India.
4.The security of the country is in strong hands.
5.Development work is in the pipeline.
6.There is no communal tension in the country and government is watching the interest of minorities and other reserved categories.
7.The interest of weaker sector and weaker states are being watched.
8. He works for more than 18 hrs a day for the country.
9. He is a common man and knows the problems of poor and middle class people.
So he is a right man for the post of PM of India.


| Posted on

Yes, after Atal Bihari Vajpayee sir, Narendra Modi sir is one of the best Prime Ministers till now. He has taken a lot of bold moves for his nation that are just words for other speakers. And at this time when the world is struggling with Corona Virus, Modi sir is standing out as a leader and showing the direction to his Nation on how to fight against Corona. We just need to support him and follow him.


Blogger | Posted on

No i don't think so .


Blogger | Posted on

He is best PM choosen by the general population on his abilities and exhibitions and not by legislative issues, choices or administration .He is most noticeably awful PM in dealing with similar individuals who pick him from that point advantage . As apeoples PM , Modi could have straightforwardly worked in welfare of voters rather than doinf stunts like demonitisation profiting just his center individuals.


Blogger | Posted on

yes he is the best Indian Prime Minister ever


SEO EXPERT | Posted on

Hello! Ofcourse not! He isn't the best leader India has ever observed! We ought to always remember that India have had the chance to get authority from some incredible leaders like Lal Bahadur Shastri , Indira Gandhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and even Manmohan Singh! It would be exceptionally unreasonable to demine their work and commitment to this country we are glad to have.


student | Posted on

I think the yes he is the best Indian prime minister ever.


Blogger | Posted on

No i don't think so


Financial analyst (Mudra finance company) | Posted on

Caution: The question is subjective to who you are and what media channel you follow. There’s no denying that Narendra Modi is the most hyped and headline-grabbing Indian Prime Minister ever. The credit for this, however, might not necessarily goes to his work on ground but the emergence of internet in every corner of the country.

His term isn’t completed. And it’s very likely that he will stay the PM for the next term as well. So to judge him – let alone call him the best – would be unjustified for other past leaders of the country who have to go through decades-long scrutiny and criticism.

All one can is that Modi has been bold in making decisions (and keeping silence on many issues) ever since his government came into power. Some of his moves are controversial, others are beyond commendable.

Again, it depends—if you’re his fan or not, if you follow the pro-government media channels or against – to decide if he is the best. Let’s wait for the end of his first term.


blogger | Posted on

India feel that Narendra Modi is the best head administrator that the nation has seen up until now. His notoriety outperforms that of previous head administrators Indira Gandhi, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Jawaharlal Nehru. This was uncovered in the Mood of the Nation Poll 2019 directed by the India Today Group.


In the study, 37 percent surveyed Indians positioned Narendra Modi as the best head administrator. With only 14 percent surveyed Indians pulling for her, Indira Gandhi was positioned as the subsequent best PM of India.

Other than this, organizer of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and previous Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was positioned as the third best PM with 11 percent surveyed Indians positioning him as the best. In contrast with this, lone nine percent surveyed Indians accepted that India's first head administrator, Jawaharlal Nehru was the best PM that the nation has seen up until now.


Owner at Business | Posted on

No, he isn't. He guaranteed such a great amount before the races however couldn't convey 100% on any of his guarantees. His arrangements are only occasions that he declares which the paid media channels begin acknowledging even before its execution and when these channels proceed onward to something different, he offers something to them once more.

This technique is ground-breaking too as the compass of TV also has expanded to the poorest of the family units and the general population fall for the false guarantees. Just today, he declared a foundation of Ayurveda to be made on the scale and venture of AIIMS. What number of us take a gander at Ayurveda when we need medications? None of us. He could have declared another AIIMS like office, which India severely needs. In any case, no,

His administration needs to live in past. The disappointment of his strategies as well as he has likewise neglected to control individuals in his very own administration. He has no power over them or their mouths. So how might he be the best? Indeed he might be positioned among the most exceedingly awful ***** however.