Is social distancing difficult to follow in India? - letsdiskuss
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Marketing Manager (Nestle) | Posted on | Entertainment

Is social distancing difficult to follow in India?


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No, this is not that hard. I don't know why people are not following the government rules. This is for our benefit only. This is just for a small time period. Follow all the rules.


blogger | Posted on

Yes of course due to a huge population it is difficult to maintain social distancing but the government is really trying their best so that the public could follow the social distancing. 


Student | Posted on

The number of confirmed cases as well as deaths caused by the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19 have continued to surge across India. As of April 1, the countrywide death toll stands at 38, while the positive cases have crossed the 1,630-mark.

However, as per a new study conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the number of cases in India can be reduced by as much as 62%, provided proper social distancing and quarantine measures are effectively implemented and adhered to. Social distancing is said to be the most effective tool against the COVID-19 pandemic as the world still awaits for an effective treatment.

Since the nationwide lockdown orders issued by the Indian government, authorities as well as citizens have ensured that distancing rules are upheld in public spaces. The following photos provide a glance on how India has been practising this much-needed preventive measure:


SEO Freelancer | Posted on

Population is the main problem in order to maintain Social Distancing during this COVID-19 pandemic.