Is sofa cum bed good option for small space? - letsdiskuss
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Digital Marketing Analyst | Posted on | others

Is sofa cum bed good option for small space?


Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on

It definitely is.

My room is quite small and thus cannot accommodate both bed and sofa. In this situation, nothing could have come to my rescue as perfectly as a sofa cum bed.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Urban Ladder)

What I like the most about it is that it complements the urban and modern setting of my room. It is attractive, as well as comfy. It’s not just easily foldable, it saves the effort one has to put in cleaning up the house with heavy furniture. It being lightweight is an additional perk.

I live alone and am quite a low maintenance kind of person. My friends keep visiting me and that creates a lot of mess at my home, especially in my living room. So having a sofa cum bed saves the time of cleaning up the mess for me as shifting it is quite easy. Also, it helps me to create as much space as I need in the room when many people come over.

I think a sofa cum bed is the best option one can have for small spaces and rooms.


Digital Marketing Analyst | Posted on

Thanks for your answer and suggestion I appreciate it. How about a sofa cum bed which I saw on Amazon