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health | Posted on | Health-beauty

Is the eating of sour things during pregnancy harmful?


creative writer/ poet | Posted on

The most beautiful period of the pregnancy brings with it a lot of tasty fuss with it. Pregnant women crave for many different things like some women go mad for sweets while others can find solace with the spicy and salty food. Sour food finds somewhat common among all the pregnant women cravings. The question is, does eating sour food during pregnancy harmful or safe?

One should be very careful about eating habits and diet plans during pregnancy. Anything taken in appropriate quantity is good while in large amount can cause severe damage to the mother as well as fetus.


According to many research and doctors eating sour food items during first trimester can cause severe damage to the fetusand the normal growth and development of the fetuscan be negatively impacted. The proliferation of the cells is hampered due to the excessive intake of sour food.

Sour foods in limited quantity are recommended during second and third trimester in the form of fruits like tomato, strawberry, grape and orange. Such fruits are safe as well provide nutrition to the body.