Is the Modi Government right in removing the security of the Separatist Leaders? - letsdiskuss
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Brij Gupta

Optician | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Is the Modi Government right in removing the security of the Separatist Leaders?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

Pulwama Terrorist attack has left the whole nation in shock. In the attack were martyred 44 CRPF Jawans who were going back on duty after a vacation. The incident has instigated the feelings of aggression in not just the general public but also in the ruling government. The whole nation is one in giving it back to the terrorists responsible for this attack, and everyone has their own suspicions about the culprits.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Indiablooms)

It is on these grounds that the Modi Government has taken away the security it used to offer to the Separatist Leaders. And this step is receiving a mixed reaction from both the intellectuals and the general public.

The list of the leaders from whom the facility has been taken away include the names of Mirwaiz Farooq, Shabbir Shah, Abdul Gani *****, Bilal Lone, and Hashim Qureshi. According to me, this step is entirely correct as these leaders stay in and get facilities from India but always favor Pakistan.

The politics of these leaders has always involved getting favors from both the sides and they have not let the issue of Kashmir get solved. So I don’t think there is anything incorrect in removing the security of such double-faced people, who don’t even think about the nation who is providing them for.

I even think the security of the Separatist Leaders should have been taken earlier along with the other steps taken for the Pulwama attack.