Is the scandal like Harvey Weinstein very common in film industries of every country? - letsdiskuss
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Albert Jordan

Senior Software Engineer | Posted on | Entertainment

Is the scandal like Harvey Weinstein very common in film industries of every country?


Delivery Head DHL | Posted on

Unfortunately, it is! Across the world, the instances of casting couch have plagued the film and fashion industry. And that’s how it has been for decades. And what’s worse is that even when we all know about this problem, very less has been done to counter it.

Directors and producers always seek ***** favors from others in turn of opportunities. This usually happens with newcomers. And it’s just as common among males as it is among females.

Till date, in this case of Harvey Weinstein, more than 50 women have made allegations against him. The charges include *****, ***** exploitation and ***** harassment. And the list of women includes some of the top names like Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, and Lea Seydoux.

There are many other powerful individuals like Harvey Weinstein who are accused of ***** harassment, like James Toback, Chris Savino, and John Besh.

Good thing is, with Harvey Weinstein scandal out in the limelight, more and more people are coming out to confess such ***** harassment from people in higher power. And courtesy of Social Media, such messages are spreading faster. Yes, referring to #MeToo campaign.

Recently, reports of House of Card actor Kevin Spacey have emerged of him making ***** advances to 14-year old in 1986. This news has suspended the production of House of Card indefinitely.

All being said though, one cannot put everyone in this crowd of perverts and pedophiles. Yes, the phenomenon of casting couch is very prevalent in film industries across the world. But there are just as many individuals (directors, producers and other powerful people) who are strictly professional, good and oppose the casting couch culture.

Hopefully, in the coming years, this problem is done with once and for all. And with how things are right now, the Harvey Weinstein scandal could very well be the turning point of this.


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