is there any gas which makes you paralise temporarily - letsdiskuss
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varma R

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is there any gas which makes you paralise temporarily


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Hypokalemic PP (hypo alludes to low potassium). Assaults may result from low blood dimensions of potassium. Different triggers may incorporate strenuous exercise, sustenances with a great deal of sugars and starches (sugars), licorice, stress, cold temperatures, and certain meds. This is the most widely recognized type of PP.

Hyperkalemic PP (hyper alludes to high potassium). Assaults may result from high blood dimensions of potassium. Different triggers may incorporate strenuous exercise, fasting, stress, cold, and certain meds.

Thyrotoxic PP. Assaults may result from elevated amounts of thyroid hormone. Thyroid-related issues are additionally normally present. Different triggers may incorporate exercise, dinners with a ton of starches, and stress. This structure shows up for the most part in men, particularly in those of Asian foundation..

Andersen-Tawil disorder. Assaults may result from swings in potassium blood levels. Triggers may likewise incorporate exercise, stress, and certain medications. Numerous individuals with this type of PP have a specific arrangement of facial highlights. These incorporate an expansive brow, broadly divided eyes, low-set ears, and a little jawline.