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Even in today’s world, where education plays a crucial role, many parents feel that their child is put under unnecessary pressure by keeping them in a structured environment at preschool. In reality, things are just the opposite. Your child gets to learn a plethora of things that they might not be able to explore sitting at home.
They develop both social and emotional skills at preschool. This helps them considerably in the future life as well, because it makes them comfortable staying with other kids and taking part in group activities. Studies state that the kids attending a good preschool get better pre-reading skills, stronger basic math skills, and richer vocabularies. Some nature-based preschools like Elements Preschool also help your child to get closer to nature and learn more about the importance of environment, trees, and the need to save the planet.
Apart from these basic benefits, there are several unknown perks of sending your kid to preschool.
1. A Solid Foundation
Young kids are both observant and curious in nature. They are often keen on learning the skills, which their families and society value a lot. Preschool teachers are trained to provide your kid with a strong and solid foundation by deploying unique techniques and strategies to shape young minds in the best possible manner.
2. Organizational Skills
Preschool offers ample opportunities for kids to get familiar with structured setup and work with a group of kids and teachers. This helps them follow instructions, answer questions and more. It is important for kids to learn all these things before they start school.
3. Excellent Preparation
At preschool kids also get things like pre-math and pre-literacy skills. This makes them comfortable with learning. This is achieved through games and other fun activities, thus making learning fun-filled. They learn to do things without seeking help from their parents with ease and confidence, which prepares them for the future.
4. Social And Emotional Development
At preschool, kids learn a lot. They learn to compromise, sort out problems, and most importantly speak up. This, in turn, builds their self-confidence and helps them grow emotionally and socially. Your child spends quality time playing and doing activities in groups. This makes them learn social skills at a young age.
5. Seeking Answers & Asking Questions
Kids are curious, they seek answers, a lot of them. At preschool, they get their questions answered in just the right way. Teachers know how to best quench your child’s thirst for curiosity and impart knowledge without confusing them. This makes kids converse, ask more questions and grow their knowledge.
6. ABCs And 123s
Kids at preschool are made to learn their ABCs and 123s. This is achieved by making them learn with games and at their own pace. Teachers at preschool deploy creative methods that teach the kids a number of things.
7. Cognitive Skills
Kids between 3 to 5 years have the potential of growing their vocabulary from a few hundred to more than two thousand words. This makes their sentences complex and longer. Teachers at the preschool develop these skills without putting any pressure on the kids. Teachers at preschool effectively utilize the time of snack breaks, games, lunch, and other activities to develop language and cognitive skills in your kid. Your kid gets several opportunities at preschool for activities like singing, talking, playing and learning. This increases their cognitive skills.
8. Motor Skills Development
With physical coordination, kids are able to explore the environment and accept challenges. Most preschool programs offer numerous opportunities for kids to perform activities such as running, participating in outdoor games, and climbing. These activities help the kids to develop and strengthen fine motor skills like working with threading beads and cutting paper or anything using scissors.
9. Making Choices
Kids at preschool get to make several choices. This leads them to start making decisions. Even if it’s regarding which toy to play with or which crayon to use for colouring, they start making choices and taking decisions. Preschool teachers help the kids to make choices by allowing them to do things on their own and in groups.
10. Overall Growth
For many kids, preschool remains the first platform for organized learning in a formal set up by seeking the help of teachers. They learn to behave in a disciplined manner with other kids, with the teachers and with everyone in general. Also, your child gets comfortable being in a formal setup for long periods. These things help prepare the kids for the elementary school in the best possible way.
Preschool is beneficial in many ways for both you and your kids. No matter how much attention and time you give your child, they won’t be able to gain the skills, the knowledge and the confidence that a good preschool program offers. Quality childhood education certainly pays in the long run.