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Khurram Shahzad

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10 uses for a stool


The stools are a decorative jewel and also a tool of infinite uses. Being furniture extremely simple and basic is, however, one of the most versatile because, apart from its main function (which is obviously serve as a seat), the stools can have endless utilities.

1. - Stools as a lamp

Sometimes the watchers we find are too big or, visually, they take up a lot of space. If our piece has a few meters we can take a stool to place a lamp and support a book or cell phone. I recommend that in this case, you use low stools. An entertaining idea is to use different models for each side of the bed or play with color combinations.

2. - Stools as the side table

Do you live in an apartment where every meter is essential? Then the stool is an important ally in your living room. You can place it on the sides of the sofa, or you can even combine several to fulfill the function of a coffee table. If you have enough tables, the stool will help you, for example, to support the bottles that block the table in the dining room or to leave the control of the television and glasses.

3. - Stool as a plinth

If you have an especially nice decoration, such as a vase, a sculpture, a painting or even a leafy plant and you want to give them prominence, upload it to a stool! You will turn it into a focus of attention and you will get to highlight it as a decorative element when giving it height.

10 uses for a stool

4. - As a breakfast bar

Maybe in your kitchen, you do not have space to set a table, but what is certain is that you do not lack an inn. Get a high stool and turn your snack space into a breakfast bar. It's over drinking coffee standing up! Also, by putting a safe seat you get the company in the kitchen while you make your recipes.

5. - As floor to reach objects in height

Do not you get to the top of the kitchen furniture? Are things lost in the closet because you do not reach what is in the background? Use a stool and save the stairs, which also takes up much more space.

6. - As a multipurpose on the terrace or the garden

Next to the pool, near the grill, next to a chair to support the drinks, as a seat, in a corner to place flowers and plants ... The possibilities are endless. And when it's cold you can put it inside the house and use it for anything else that, as we are seeing, a stool never hurts.

7. - As support in the bathroom

I love the idea of using stools in bathrooms. As they are small they fit even in the smallest ones (they do not have a shower or a tub) and they are an original way of presenting towels and even ordering the unsightly rolls of paper.

8. - As a decorative element

There are some stools that have such a careful and beautiful design that they serve themselves as decoration. My favorites are those that have a cube shape and are topped with a captioned. I love their retro look! These fancy Kitchen Bar Stools can be kept in the kitchen to decorate the kitchen and make it look more elegant in shape.

9. - As a swing

This idea, which may seem half crazy, can be considered as a DIY project to do with your children. You only need a drill to make the holes in the legs and a piece of strong rope. Choose the stool well and note that it has a flat bottom, that is, that the legs do not cross under the seat.

10. - As a seat for your children

Many times children want to do their homework, to paint or to entertain themselves in the same room in which we are. With a stool, you can set up a small desk anywhere in the house. So you can supervise them and help them.