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Satindra Chauhan

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6 tips to help you write the perfect discussion section


Tips for Writing a Discussion Section for a Paper
The discussion section of a paper serves one purpose which is to describe and interpret the findings of the writer compared to what has already been published. It is there to give a fresh look at a particular problem after a writer has taken all they’ve found into consideration.
A top-quality discussion section has to be able to connect to the introduction in the form of a hypothesis and research questions. It has to elevate the reader's understanding of the topic at hand and not just rearrange or repeat what’s already been talked about in the introduction. If you are struggling to come up with a discussion section, below are a few tips that will help.

6 tips to help you write the perfect discussion section

Be organized
Whether it is an essay or dissertation, you have to make sure that your arguments go from general to specific. The existing literature needs to match your findings and only then, can you relate both to the theory and explain how they are connected in practice. The key here is to remain consistent and still with the same key terms and style you've been using from the beginning.

Restate the problem and summarise
This point is self-explanatory and requires you to summarise the things you’ve found during your research and link them to the research questions. Always remember to highlight the method you’ve used to gather information whether it’s primary or secondary.

Talk about your findings

You have to talk about how important your findings have been concerning the subject you're studying and back them up with theories. When you're analyzing your data, there are various approaches you can use which include correlations, relationships between findings, identifying patterns, and more. If you happen to find more information than expected, you can simply add them to your discussion but need to justify their existence in your content.

Link your findings to existing content
You need to explain how your findings are related to those already published. The key here is to give readers a fresh perspective of what’s already been written. If you have filler content just to meet the word count, you will end up getting a low mark because tutors are not looking for that. You have to make every single word count and don’t add things that are not factual in your content. When everything is knitted together, your content will stand out.

Highlight your paper’s limitations and implications
In this section, you need to highlight to the readers any issues you came across during your research and any questions that were addressed. If the limitations may have affected the validity of your content, you'll need to comment on that in this part of the discussion. Once you’ve done that, you will then need to speak about the implications of your finding. Explain to the readers why you feel they are important for further study in the future.

You will need to provide recommendations for future research based on the things you’ve found. What you suggest can also be inspired by limitations you may have encountered when coming up with your paper. If your paper wasn't able to cover certain things, point out concrete ways and ideas paper writers for hire researching the future can use to improve upon your findings in a professional way.

Things to avoid when writing a discussion section for a paper

There are a few common mistakes that many students make when they are writing a discussion section. You should never discuss or even introduce new results. Only stick to results that have already been published or reported. The second thing is you should about conclusions and speculation that are not properly supported by concrete data.

This will put the validity of your content into question. Plagiarism is something that is not allowed in any form of writing. One is not allowed to steal other people’s content and present it as their own. This should be avoided at all costs because it has serious consequences if and when it’s picked up. Any sources used during the research need to be cited accordingly. Lastly, do not talk about your failures or any of your weaknesses during the writing process. Simply talk about any limitations you may have encountered to add credibility to your paper.

6 tips to help you write the perfect discussion section

Why a good discussion section is very important

Demonstrates your ability to think critically as a writer
When a tutor is marking your paper, they want to see critical thinking on the subject matter and the ability to come up with creative solutions. A good discussion section shows your tutor that you have a deeper understanding of the subject matter based on what you’ve found.

Allows a writer to explore the underlying meaning of their topic
When people are reading a topic, they want to be educated on the subject matter and taught something new. A good discussion section does that and more. To expand on this point in detail, a well-written discussion section opens up new opportunities for further study and highlights any concerns which future writers may have to be wary of. It is a writer's job to elevate and inspire others who wish to build on the groundwork laid down by someone else and this is what a good discussion section has to do.

The discussion section of any paper can be time-consuming and complicated but one can get through it if they are hardworking and dedicated. You must convincingly present all your arguments on top of showing that your study has made a major contribution to the subject you're writing about. To stand out from your peers, originality is very important and you have to back your idea with existing data in the subject. Only then will you be able to achieve a high grade; however, if this proves to be too challenging, you can always turn to paper writing companies for help.