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Digital marketing is the most modern way to grab people’s attention. Since the ultimate goal of online content is to grab people’s attention and therefore, drive more traffic. But often, we can go too much to the process that the whole system becomes deviated from the correct path.
Here, we will walk you through the most common digital marketing mistakes that can drive your traffic down rather than up!
Having No Goal
Sometimes you might be so pumped up to start a website that they will lose sight of the goal. When you select a niche for your website, it should stick to the niche so that it can be consistent. So when you are marketing your website, make sure it stays true to the goal that you set in mind. Do not sacrifice the goal for short-lived popularity.
Not Targeting Right Audience
The audience is everything. Your website’s relevance lies in catering to your audience. So you need to target your audience when you develop your website. Create and host content that is of use to your audience. Know your audience and tailor your efforts to them. This is how you get noticed by your audience. Digital marketing is all about attracting your audience, and the right way to do so is to create the right content.
Not Having a Social Media Portfolio
We see a lot of website owners who put a lot of work into their websites but do not utilize social media to their full potential. This is one of the most common digital marketing mistake that you should avoid if you want to drive massive amounts of traffic to your website. Mediums like Facebook and Instagram are key drivers when it comes to digital marketing.
Not Performing Proper Keyword Research
What to get your website relate to a user’s search? Then you need to pardon various keyword that they will use to access information. This requires a bit of technical knowledge. But at the end, it is totally worth it. When you are creating tailored content, you need to make sure that your content has the appropriate rank value. If you haven’t started on your research yet, the time is now!
Not Using AdWords
AdWords can help you boost your ranking multifold. It will bring you to the top of the search results page when the word you have invested in is searched by users. It is really cost effective and can help you drive more traffic to your website in the least amount of time. If you want to get your website a lot of traffic in the least amount of time. Not using AdWords? You might want to now!
Not Using Call to Action Posts
When you read a social media post, it’s much more engaging to read something that ends with a question or call to action. Give the audience something to talk or think about. Include a call to action lines in your content to prompt the users to engage with the content and create more viewer immersion.
Not staying trendy
In the online world, people want to be informed of the latest! So make sure that your website covers all the current and trending topics. If you put in an effort to cover all the latest news relating to your website niche. Staying trendy is staying relevant.
Forgetting email market
In 2018, many think that email marketing is over. But they are still relevant and can get you a lot of viewership. Do not forget about your end-users and email is a clever medium that you can use to connect with them. Create curiosity-inducing e-mails that are bound to get you more leads.
Underestimating mobile marketing
Did you now that mobiles constitute about 65% of digital consumption. Make sure that you factor in mobile while you do all your digital marketing. This will help you cove a wide market than any other means
Still confused about what to do and what not to do?
Then the safest and effective solution is to hire digital marketing experts. Cubereach has been in the field of digital marketing in Dubai for a long time. Being the best in trade, we can provide you with all-around digital marketing solutions. We will help you build your own platform that is engaging, interesting and most importantly, uniquely you!