IEEE (pronounced eye-triple e) is the biggest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. With more than 417,000 members in more than 160 countries of which 120,000 are student members, IEE has its roots back in 1884 when electricity became a major influence in the society. It has five core areas of activity including Publishing, conferences, standards, membership, and E-learning.
IEEE works continuously for the development and delivery of higher education materials, conforming to the highest industry practices to reshape the world today. IEEE publications should be well researched with original content free from grammatical errors.
To write an IEEE research paper one need to keep in mind a few basic elements. Starting with the basics. The paper structure should have the following elements:
Like in life, first impressions are very important when it comes to publishing paper hence it is essential to have an effective title. A short crisp concise title using some of the keywords is the best possible way to grab the reader’s attention. While choosing a title it is best to avoid jargon. A few simple words strung together will have a much greater impact than a complicated one. A good example of the difference is given below:
"An Investigation into the Effects of Residential Air-Conditioning Maintenance in Reducing the Demand for Electrical Energy"
“Role of Air-Conditioning Maintenance on Electric Power Demand”
Both these sentences carry the same meaning however the second one tends to have a faster and a greater impact and create a better impact.
The abstract is like looking glass for the entire article. It is simply a condensed version of the entire article. That should in less than 250 words be able to tell the reader
Another important thing to keep in mind while writing the abstract is that it always be written in the third person and in past tense. The abstract should focus on the results or the findings of the paper rather than the actual organization of the paper.
The choice of keywords in your paper structure allows for enriched SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Keywords should be used in the title as well as the abstract. It is important to have keywords that are
The introduction has to be a short description of the problem that has been researched. It is often the most important and most difficult part of the paper. It is advisable to write this in the end. It should be a logical movement of text written in the present tense. It should give the reader an idea of the generally known information about the topic and mention any previous studies or the historical context of the research.
It must also contain your hypothesis and the overview of the results. A good introduction should also contain information on how the article is organized to allow a stress-free read. It should not be too vague or too broad. An introduction should not exceed more than two pages.
The methodology to contain information regarding the problem formulation and processes used to solve the problem. It must also prove or disprove the hypothesis. In many ways, the methodology is the “body” of the article and should contain several illustrations including but not limited to tables, graphs, and figures. These illustrations allow the reader to quickly understand the general idea of the article and also give an impression of a well-researched paper. Every section of the paper should tell a story. The story should be a linear, engaging the reader in every step and keeping them yearning for the next step.
The results/discussion should demonstrate the problem that you have solved and the advances that you have made. It should be crisp, clear and concise. It is best to use illustrations via figures and tables to create a flow in the narrative. This section should also discussions on why your research offers a new solution while acknowledging the limitations.
There is no limit on the number of references. But it is imperative to use the ones that directly support the article.A good idea to keep track of references is to put it prior to the paper. Newer references with latest results are preferred to older references. The style of referencing has to be consistent following the order;
Author name,
Article title,
Publication name,
Year of publication,
Chapter and page number.
Most IEEE journals follow a citation number system. To show that the paper is with the topic of the journal a helpful tip would be to include some references to the journal that one is submitting to.
The conclusion has to emphasize what novel or good results were achieved. This section should revisit the key points in each section and include a summary of the main findings, important implications, and conclusions for the field. A good conclusion must
This informative article is contributed by Hari babu from TechAriz for the benefitting the LetsDiskuss audience!