Osteoporosis means porous bones
The human body constantly keeps up rebuilding bone tissue replacing old damaged bone, but do as we age the body stops producing bones in an adequate amount. if the repair process is slow Osteoporosis results
. It is necessary to consult an Osteoporosis Surgeon or have an osteoporosis Treatment
Since the bones get weaker in time, they become porous and the risk of bone fracture increases.
At present Osteoporosis affects about more than 120 million people all around the world, although women over the age of 40 are more likely to have this disease.
What are the major causes of Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis does not have a list of specified causes since the weakening of bones can happen due to a variety of reasons but according to doctors following factors have a large role to play:
- Age: With the growing age bone formation and density both decreases, especially in women as they attain menopause the hormone Estrogen strengthens bones is not released anymore. In males also, as they reach their late 30s bones start getting weaker. It is all a natural phenomenon
- Race: Apparently the White Americans and people in Asia are more likely to have Osteoporosis
- Genetic make-up: If you have a family history of Osteoporosis.
- Irregular diet and lifestyle
- Multiple eating disorders, like anorexia or bulimia nervosa (over-eating), or orthorexia
- Smoking is one of the major reasons behind it
- A large amount of alcohol intake
- Malabsorption of vitamin-D, less Calcium, and Magnesium intake
- Complete inactivity and no physical movements weaken bones
What can we do to Prevent or Cure Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disease that can easily be linked with a person’s lifestyle habits, nutritional intake, and physical activeness, so to prevent it we can seek out the following factors:
- Increasing Calcium and vitamin D supply to the body for which we can consume as much Dairy produce as we can since they provide us Calcium and Calcium are essential for bone density.
- According to the latest studies people over the age of 19 years should have a consumption of up to 1,000 mg of Calcium every day, while women over the age of 50 should have up to 1,200 mg of Calcium in a day
The sources of Calcium can be:
- Milk, Cheese, Yogurt
- Green Leafy vegetables, like broccoli and spinach
- Fishes of high nutritional value
- Cod Liver Oil
- Calcium Supplements
- Being in the sun and perform any physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day increases a good amount of Vitamin-D
Prevention of Osteoporosis
- Smoking decreases one density day by day, it is not visible but is very harmful in long-term
- Excessive alcohol intake should be stopped since they promote bone breakage first hand.
- Weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation and expands the density as well as the strength
- Yoga has a strong effect on bones and should be performed regularly.