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Khushi Agrawal

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Fashion blogger


Blogging is a passion for many people to put their thoughts and ideas out to world. Some people take blogging as their career. Fashion blogging is basically a way of informing people about what fashion is . To become a fashion blogger you need to know everything about fashion. You can do fashion designing course where you get to learn everything about fashion sense.

Starting your own blog is a very hard work. It takes a lot of time to make your blog recognised to the Audience. There are lots of bloggers and influencer on Instagram.

Here I am going to talk about how to become a fashion blogger and what are the ways to make that blog famous.

After publish your blog it takes a lot of hard work to make it famous.

Before starting a fashion blogging you need to do some things like -

1. Reasearch - this is one of the first aspect for any business or any blogger. Do a lot of research about your competitors , your product ,your topic.

Read lots of books related to your topic so that you can write proper content for your blog.

2. Quality content - people's can visit your site again only when you provide good quality content. Stick to your topic do not write irrelevant contents.

3. Social media marketing - after writing a blog you need to show your blog to the Audience. Social media marketing can help you to increase your followers and make your profile good.

4. Design for the blog - after research you need to look at some designs you want for your blog. Choose templates that look nice.

5. Blogging platform or website- this is a software where you can write and Post your blogs. There are lots of website which are easy to use and have a variety of customized themes.Fashion blogger