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What Are Flat Feet?
Your feet don’t have a normal arch if you have flat feet. The condition is related to fallen arches. It’s common in children and normally disappears by age 2 or 3 as the ligaments and tendons in the leg and foot tighten. But, and it can remain through adulthood and in case you don't know 25% of American adults are facing this condition.
In some cases, flat feet or fallen arches are also caused by illness or injuries, creating problems with running, walking or standing for hours.
Flat feet only need proper treatment if they are causing pain. It is not necessary that you will feel any discomfort and pain due to flat feet because some people appear to have a very low arch or no arch and they don’t experience any difficulties.
Symptoms Of Flat Feet
The general symptom of flat feet is a pain in the feet. This can happen due to the connecting ligaments and strained muscles.
Pressures or stress on the knee and hip may result in discomfort in joints due to overpronation when the ankles turn inward.
Several people have this problem — and see no problems and require no treatment. But others may undergo with the following symptoms:
What Causes Flat Feet?
Flat feet are related to the bones and tissues in your feet and lower legs. The condition is natural in toddlers and babies because tendons take time to tighten and form an arch.
It can result in flat feet if the tightening doesn’t occur properly. Because of the age or sustain injuries, the tendons in either or both feet may become injured. The condition is also linked to diseases such as muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy.
Treatment Of Flat Feet:
Foot Support:
Supporting your feet is normally the initial step in handling the condition. Your doctor may suggest you wear orthotics or special shoes for flat feet.
Lifestyle Changes:
Reducing pain from flat feet may require some modifications in your daily routine. For example, your doctor may suggest an exercise and diet plan for weight loss to overcome the stress on your feet. They may advise not walking or standing for prolonged periods.
Your doctor might prescribe medicine to decrease the pain from these symptoms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines can help to reduce pain and swelling.
Foot Surgery:
In more serious cases surgery may be an option and is usually the last option. Your orthopaedic surgeon may form an arch in your feet, repair tendons, or fuse your joints or bones. If your Achilles tendon is too short, the operator can lengthen it to minimize your pain.
Stretching Exercises:
Stretching exercises for the tendon may help to flat feet people who have a shortened Achilles tendon.
Supportive Shoes:
Supportive and stability shoe might be extra comfortable for flat footers compared to the shoes or sandals with no support.