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Hallux Valgus Causes - Symptoms


Valgus deformity of the foot (hallux valgus), or, as people say, “bone” (“bump”) at the big toes, is quite often found in the fair sex.

Hallux Valgus Causes - Symptoms

Valgus deformity of the feet (hallux valgus) is a disease in which the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first finger is curved, and the rest of the fingers are deformed. The disease is characterized by the impossibility of wearing ordinary shoes due to the formed "bumps" at the base of the thumb and is accompanied by aching pain.

Symptoms of hallux valgus deformity: source:-steptoremedies

1. deviation of the big toe outwards, a gradual increase in the "bone."

2. hammer-like deformation of the remaining toes.

3. pain in the joints of the feet.

4. fatigue legs.

5. difficulty with the selection of shoes.

Diagnostic methods:

1. examination by an orthopedist.

2. X-ray of the feet in 3 projections.

3. photography - footprints to identify flatfoot.

Diseases with similar symptoms: arthritis; gout; deforming osteoarthritis.

The course of the disease

Valgus deformity of the feet develops gradually. At first, the patient complains that it has become uncomfortable to wear shoes of the usual size, it is difficult to pick up shoes, then pain in the feet appears by the end of the day, the first toe is bent.

The stone on foot with increasing transverse flatfoot significantly deforms the forefoot. Its sole flattens and bulges in the center; in this place, painful namings and calluses form, making it extremely difficult to walk.

The second finger rises up and often takes the form of a hammer (hammer-shaped thumb) - it is bent, does not unbend, callus forms on it. In general, the deformation affects the blood supply and innervation of the forefoot, which contributes to the development of arthrosis.


1. in the absence of treatment, the foot joints are constantly deformed - chronic bursitis occurs;

2. restructuring of the metatarsal bones - Deutschlander's disease.

Forecast. With minor deformity and timely treatment, the appearance and function of the foot joints can be restored. In advanced cases, pain may persist even after surgery.

Causes and Prevention

The purpose of the valgus deformity of the feet is transverse flatfoot, genetics, endocrine disorders, osteoporosis. The disease is based on the congenital weakness of the connective and bone tissues, leading to the development of flatfoot.

The development of deformation contributes to the wrong shoes. This is especially true of high heels and boots with a narrow toe. Such shoes lead to an uneven distribution of the load, which more falls on the forefoot, resulting in deformation of this zone and arthrosis of the thumb joint.


1. examination by an orthopedist for the timely detection of flatfoot.

2. wearing sensible shoes (without studs, without sharp noses, from natural materials, heel not higher than 7 cm).

3. wearing orthopedic insoles.

4. if the profession is associated with an extended stay on their feet, observe the regime of work and rest.


The orthopedist deals with the treatment of valgus foot deformities. It is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease since the correction of the deformity in the early stages can save from the operation:

1. selection of orthopedic insoles

2. The purpose of the complex physical therapy, preventing the development of flatfoot.

When running forms of the disease requires surgery, the osteotomy is a complex bone reconstruction that involves intervention on several bones of the foot, aimed at changing the axis of the metatarsal bone and the first phalanx of the thumb.

Walking, entirely relying on the tarsus, is possible, starting from the third week after the operation. In most cases, treatment ends on the 6th week after the process. The patient returns to a healthy lifestyle. The recovery period is 2-3 months.