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Dr. Supreena Narayanan

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How to convert leads into paying students, create an email course?


Email and online courses are both well-known. Do you know about email courses? Although it seems simple, an email course is a shorter version of your course delivered electronically. However, when done properly, the impact of email courses is much greater than you might think.

How to convert leads into paying students, create an email course?

We will explain what an email course is and why it's so important. Then, we'll show you how to create one to build an email list that's full of people ready to purchase your course.

The million-dollar question: Why do you need an email course?

An email course is simply an autoresponder. This aspect is a collection of emails sent over some time. An email course can be more than just an autoresponder. Your audience will learn something by taking part in an email course.

It is possible to see it in action. They sent out emails every day for a week to deliver their content.

  • Programming for Marketers example, emails
  • Each email contains a lesson, and subscribers are invited to sign up for the full course Marketing Programming.
  • Making an impact
  • What can email courses do to help your business? It's quite a bit.

Email courses can:

Collect email addresses

We've said it before: Your email lists are the backbone of your business. You market your course by emailing your subscribers about it. Your list will be more valuable if it is larger than your potential buyers.

The perfect lead magnet is offering a free email course as an opt-in or freebie. It attracts the right kind of subscribers.

Why are they the right people? The audience is qualified. These are people who want to learn and desire to take a course. Your email course should be related. But more about that later.

Lead them on

An email course is a great lead magnet because it helps you quickly grow your network of the right people.

Check out our checklist to find the perfect lead magnet.

  • Is your target audience interested in it?
  • Does it deliver tangible results and instant gratification?
  • What is the perceived and actual value?
  • Is it able to solve a particular problem?
  • Does this establish you as an authority figure?
  • How can you communicate your benefits through a result-driven headline

Establish trust and a relationship

You've probably heard from one of our webinars. Teachable often compares selling your course on Teachable to buying vegetables at a farmer's market. Except you aren't at a farmers market. It would help if you made sure people could see you at your stand and taste your products before purchasing your product.

An email course can do all these things. Your email course can be described as a hearty tasting test. You don't need to make it a complete meal. But, it should be enough to keep you entertained. You need to share valuable content, so people understand what you're offering.

Hello, I'm...

Your email course should also introduce you as an authority that students are eager to learn from. Your email course should demonstrate your teaching style and why people might choose you over other teachers. Your expertise on the subject, your knowledge, and what you have are all highlighted in your email course.

Remember that you don't need to be an expert on all aspects of your subject. You're fine as long as you can demonstrate that you have the knowledge and ability to teach it.

Get demand for your product.

Students will become more familiar with the subject matter of your email course as they work through it. This will increase demand for your entire course.

Get back time

It will take some time to build this. It's still a great margin for the potential number of subscribers and conversion rate.

There are two ways you can mine existing content to make an email course. You might have a rich blog post that you can reuse, or you could take the first section from your entire course and make it a powerful lead magnet.

You can deliver smaller pieces of content that are more valuable to your audience and still nurture your business.

Anatomy of an email course

It doesn't take much to create and launch a successful email program. These five steps will show you how to narrow your topic, plan your emails and get to your sales period.

Step 1: Decide what you want to teach.

Before you start creating anything, decide what topic to teach. You want to choose a topic that is both valuable and shows off your teaching skills, and generates demand for the entire course.

Let's assume that your entire course is called "Planning Your Trip to Italy." You can use the first section, "How to Pack for Europe," and "Top Places to Travel to In Italy" as an email course.

These ideas are both valuable and can be used on their own. However, they also demand a larger course that covers a complete trip to Italy. Your target audience has been attracted, you have solved their problems, and there is a demand for how I plan a trip to Italy.

Step 2: Structure your email course

Email courses typically last one to two weeks. The key is to communicate with leads quickly and consistently. This aspect will allow leads to quickly learn who you are and what your company does so they remain interested.

Remember the ideal ratio: Emails should be spaced sufficiently and contain enough value. This factor will only make you want to take your full course.

Consider how long it will take to complete your course. You should choose a longer course if it's not a one-day thing.

Remember to view the course as an extended sale pitch. A word of caution: You shouldn't spend all your time selling. This is a chance to convert top-of-the-funnel leads into nurtured subscribers ready to purchase your course.

This aspect can be achieved by selling your idea to readers first. You can make available valuable content that builds conviction furthermore demands, then use the last few emails for the resolution.

This is how your outlines may look:

Email course structure illustration #1

Confirm your enrollment in your email class.

Welcome email: Explain to people what they will be getting and Why it is important (sell your course and transformation idea)

Email 1: Content

Email 2: Content

Email 3: Content

Email 4: Hard Sell Your Course

Email 5 Mention your Course Again + Where people can Contact You.

Email course structure example #2

Confirmation Confirm your enrollment in your email class.

Welcome email: Tell the people what they will be getting and why it is important. Also, give a preview/teaser about what's next.

Email 1: Content

Email 2: Content

Email 3: Content

Email 4: Content

Email 5:Content

Email 6: Hard Sell Your Course

Email 7: Mention your course once more + invite others to join a Facebook community page or group you manage

Brennan loves to sell a course within the free course. However, not all email courses do this. A few people follow up with hard-sales after an email course ends to get their members to sign up for their online course. This experience can be customized to suit your needs.

It is important to build trust and offer real value right from the beginning. This aspect will increase your likelihood of them making a financial investment later.

Step 3: Create content for your email course

The saying "reduce and reuse" is well-known. But this applies more than your disposal habits. Email courses can benefit from reducing your work and reusing content.

Do you have content?

To help you create an email course:

Reuse blog posts.

Focus on blog posts that are performing well in your email course.

Take your top five blog posts and make an email course.

Dive into your complete course.

If your site doesn't have any content...

It can be created using the advice above on building trust and generating demand.

Petovera recommends five emails with 1000 words of content. It is important to tailor this experience to your target audience. You can write as much as you need to get your audience there.

Keep in mind: Give your audience the attention they need.

Step 4: Automate your workflow

Automation is the key to an email course. A new reader can find your content and opt-in to receive your course.

This type of instant gratification is a big deal. People feel a rush of dopamine when they get what they want immediately. This creates an immediate sense for potential customers.

Set up autoresponders to make your leads happy.

Step 5: Sell the product

While an email course can be value-focused, ultimately, you want to sell. This aspect means that you must think about getting people very excited by your email series.

Remember that we said you must sell people the idea of your course first. This can be done in your first email.

Send a welcome email to your subject and explain why you are interested in joining after sending the confirmation of enrollment.

Your full course should also be seeded in your email course. This aspect can be done by including it at the end of your flow or by sending an email the day following the close of your email course.

Tip: If you mention it in an email course, tie in it naturally in the last email and add a quick-action bonus-something people can only get now if it is purchased here--to create urgency.

Remember that email courses convert well, so a higher percentage of your list will purchase than if you only offered a discount.

Emails and Beyond

After completing the five steps, market, promote, and spread your free email course. It's easy to link to your course on your blog's homepage. This aspect is a great way to get email addresses from every visitor to your blog.

You can also use Instagram Live, TikTok, and Clubhouse rooms to do a social media push.


Plan multiple paths your audience can follow to reach your landing page for your email challenge. They will hear about it in your online workshop. Will they see your Facebook ad? Will they receive a link in an email with the link? You will write several blog posts about the topic and then tell your audience to "click Here for an Email Challenge that goes in-depth on this?

Creating multiple funnel options to draw students and potential customers into your course is the best way to increase your audience and grow your list.