@Blogger | Posted on |
As per my experience Google business listing is only one place where you get the business very easily. This is a part of the Local SEO and Google provide this service is free of cost. You can add the multiple location having different details and increase your business very fast. (Digital Marketing Marg)
Day to day Google changes its algorithm including UI/UX design simultaneously your listing also get affected. It is very easy to register your business with Google maps. Now at present scenario every business is listed on Google map but the main challenge is that in Google search result which person listing shown on top, it is very difficult to get on first page. If some time you found your business on first page then there is possibility of getting rank down because in the market multiple marketers continuously working on their listing to reach on higher rank on Google map.
What is that strategy which is implemented by the Marketer? You must know that Point to Rank your Business on the Google map. Point should be remembered while adding the Business on Google map.
1.Verify your Google My Business Information. (After Entering all the Detail You must be verify by Google. After putting the verification code your listing is get activated. )
2. Get Google Reviews. (You must send the Business link to your Client to get their Best Review. Increase the Review on your Business listing. Try to get genuine reviews )
3. Properly Categorize Your Business. (While adding the Business you must put the best category which shows your Business profile because on the basis of this Google categorize your Listing and shown to the people.)
4. Embed Your Website Name. (Put the Website link separately and also the appointment link for your Business. Using this client can directly book there service online.)
5. Optimize Your Listing Description.(Put your Business Description In detail which describe your Business the length for this id 1000 Words only. Also put the Keyword In your Description section.)
6. Use a Local Telephone Number. (Put your Contact Number. You can put one or two number in your Listing.)
7. Add Photos to the Listing (Put the Quality images on your listing. If possible Use the high Resolution Images.)
Create the Post each and every day for daily updates to your customer.
Hope you all are like this blog.So start working on your Listing and get top of the Google map listing.