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Vivan Vatena

student in journalism | Posted on |

How to Take a Study Break


If you are anything like me, when studying for exams, you need to take breaks. However in recent years, due to the increasing use and prevalence of the internet, on demand media, and with my cell phone by my side, taking a “study break” has come to mean checking Facebook, Twitter, celebrity blogs, Google Chat, and every other distracting website and app you can imagine.

How to Take a Study Break

Thus, a study break morphs from a reprieve into an unplanned detour into internet-land that takes up just as much time (if not more) than the actual studying. A five-minute break becomes half an hour, and pretty soon, instead of going to sleep at midnight as planned, you get to sleep at 4 AM instead. Some study break that was.

Don’t be like me. Here are some tips from Brainscape HQ on how to have a good study break, get refreshed, and prepare yourself to dive back into your books.

How to Take a Study Break

“Study break” has turned into a euphemism for procrastinating and distractions. That being said, a well-planned out study break does not have to lead to procrastination. Let’s get back to what a study break really is and then cover a few tips on how to maximize the effectiveness of these breaks.

The point of a study break is to get the mind rejuvenated so that you can refocus on the task at hand when it’s time to get back to work. A good study break consists of an activity that allows you to take your mind off studying and not use it for a little while. This period of disuse can reinvigorate your brain so that you are ready to come back to your work and attack it with renewed energy!

So, in this season of GRE, MCAT, GMAT, SAT prep, here are some tips to help you make good use of your time (instead of procrastinating):

Make sure your actual study time is used efficiently:

Use Brainscape‘s “smart flashcards” on the web or your mobile device, to meter your study sessions appropriately and manage your learning progress using solid metrics & goals

Set a goal for what you want to accomplish in your currently allocated study session (whether it’s 15 or 45 minutes), and don’t quit until you reach that goal!

When taking a study break, DO:

Periodically schedule breaks for short amounts of time in between your studying.

STICK to your schedule. Not a minute more!

Remember to EAT. Not junk food on which you’ll snack the whole time you study. But a take 20 minutes to cook yourself a real meal and sit down and eat it. Food for thought, anyone?

Take time to exercise! Exercising not only works out your body—it will also stimulate your brain, making your study session far more effective.

Read a book or an interesting article in a magazine unrelated to your test material.


Tell yourself that you will check your Facebook/e-mail for 15 minutes then take half an hour instead.

In fact, don’t check your email or Facebook at all while you’re studying!

Start a new TV show (especially the week before finals). TV provides an ENDLESS supply of material for procrastination. You will get sucked into a new series and then you will have to watch all 6 seasons, and before you know it will have been a week since you left your apartment, and your boss is calling you every hour wondering where you are. Enough said.

Do not take a nap for more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, you might find yourself spending more time dreaming about doing well on exams than actually doing well on exams.

A study break is all about making a schedule and sticking to it, though there is obviously wiggle room. However, remember that when you need to get something done, leave enough time for it as well as for the down time you may need. That is the best solution!

blogger | Posted on |

How to Take a Study Break


In the event that you are in any way similar to me, when considering for tests, you have to take breaks. Anyway as of late, because of the expanding use and predominance of the web, on interest media, and with my PDA close by, taking a "contemplate break" has come to mean checking Facebook, Twitter, superstar web journals, Google Chat, and each other diverting site and application you can envision.

In this way, an investigation break transforms from a relief into an impromptu reroute into web arrive that takes up the same amount of time (if not more) than the real examining. A five-minute break turns out to be thirty minutes, and really soon, rather than resting at midnight as arranged, you get the opportunity to rest at 4 AM. Some examination break that was.

Try not to resemble me. Here are a few hints from Brainscape HQ on the most proficient method to have a decent report break, get revived, and set yourself up to plunge again into your books.

The most effective method to Take a Study Break

"Concentrate break" has transformed into a doublespeak for lingering and diversions. That being stated, a very much arranged out examination break does not need to prompt tarrying. How about we return to what an examination break truly is and after that cover a couple of tips on the best way to expand the viability of these breaks.

The purpose of an examination break is to get the brain revived with the goal that you can refocus on the job that needs to be done when it's an ideal opportunity to return to work. A decent report break comprises of an action that enables you to take your psyche off considering and not utilize it for a brief period. This time of neglect can revitalize your cerebrum so you are prepared to return to your work and assault it with restored vitality!

Thus, in this period of GRE, MCAT, GMAT, SAT prep, here are a few hints to enable you to make great utilization of your time (rather than lingering):

Ensure your genuine examination time is utilized effectively:

Utilize Brainscape's "brilliant cheat sheets" on the web or your cell phone, to meter your examination sessions suitably and deal with your learning progress utilizing strong measurements and objectives

Set an objective for what you need to achieve in your at present designated examination session (regardless of whether it's 15 or 45 minutes), and don't stop until the point when you achieve that objective!

When taking an examination break, DO:

Intermittently plan breaks for short measures of time in the middle of your examining.

Adhere to your timetable. Not a moment more!

Make sure to EAT. Not lousy nourishment on which you'll nibble the entire time you examine. In any case, a take 20 minutes to prepare yourself a genuine feast and take a seat and eat it. Something worth mulling over, anybody?

Set aside opportunity to work out! Practicing not just works out your body—it will likewise invigorate your cerebrum, making your examination session undeniably increasingly compelling.

Peruse a book or a fascinating article with regards to a magazine inconsequential to your test material.


Disclose to yourself that you will check your Facebook/email for 15 minutes at that point take 30 minutes.

Indeed, don't browse your email or Facebook at all while you're contemplating!

Begin another TV appear (particularly the prior week finals). Television gives an ENDLESS supply of material for lingering. You will get sucked into another arrangement and afterward you should observe each of the 6 seasons, and before you realize it will have been seven days since you left your flat, and your supervisor is considering you consistently pondering where you are. That's all anyone needs to know.

Try not to sleep for over 20 minutes. Else, you may end up investing more energy envisioning about doing admirably on tests than really doing great on tests.

An investigation break is tied in with making a calendar and adhering to it, however there is clearly squirm room. Nonetheless, recall that when you have to complete something, allow for it just as for the down time you may require. That is the best arrangement!