Sometimes ads and pop-ups become annoying, especially when they cover the crucial information. Possibly, most of you see them every day, and also they irritate you. If you love reading the information on the web, then this could be the most significant trouble for you.
Source:- How to Use the Reader Mode to Distill Page in Chrome
Thanks to Google Chrome for providing the reader mode, also known by ‘Distill Page.’ It is Chrome’s in-built as well as hidden feature located deep in Chrome settings. Distill page or Chrome’s reader mode strips off all the distracting elements from the webpage, and gives you clean information to read. Distill page is an advantageous feature for the readers, and perhaps it will solve half of their trouble. You’ll also get some extensions on the Chrome Web Store that gives the same functionality as Chrome’s reader mode (distill page).
Here is how to remove ads, pop-ups, and sidebars in Chrome with Reader Mode (Distill Page)
Note: Only Chrome for Windows supports the distill page, and you need to enable it from the settings. Since the method for activating reader mode from chrome://flags in no longer available now. In Mac or other versions of Chrome, you need to use an extension to enable Chrome’s reader mode.
How to access and enable distill page (or reader mode) in Chrome for Windows
Important: Before proceeding, backup your Chrome by creating a copy of the Chrome icon. Just go to Programs menu and right-click on the Chrome application then choose copy. Now, navigate to a location where you would like to keep it, and then paste the copied stuff.
You can use two copies of Chrome application and icon, one normal and one with reader mode enabled if you wish. Perform the given steps on your Windows device to set up the distill page.
1. Right-click on the ‘Chrome shortcut’ icon that you used to start the browser. If you’ve clicked the Chrome icon in the taskbar, then once again you’ll have to right-click on Chrome.
2. Now, click on ‘Properties’. This opens the Google Chrome Properties windows with the Shortcut tab. Make sure the ‘Shortcut’ tab is opened in Properties windows.
3. Click on the ‘Target’ field and move the typing cursor at the end of the text. Do this carefully, texts in the Target field should not be removed or deleted.
4. Make sure that the typing cursor is at the end of the already written text.
5. Now, add “-enable-dom-distiller” (without quotes) at the end of the text.
6. Click ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ button at the bottom.
7. Close the properties window and launch the ‘Chrome’ application.
Once you finish everything correctly, Distill page option will now start appearing under the Chrome menu. Click on the ‘three vertical dots’ icon at the top right-hand corner of the Chrome window to open the menu. You’ll find ‘Distill page’ option at the middle of the menu. If you see it there, it means you’ve done everything perfectly. And, you’re ready to use reader mode in your Chrome browser.
Steps to enable reader mode:
Distill page (reader mode) work best on the pages have information in the form of text. If you apply it to a webpage that has images or video clips, then it might hide them too. No worries, you can always return to the original website by disabling distill page whenever you want.
• Browse the web page you want to read or have lots of annoying ads and pop-ups hiding the content.
• Open the Chrome menu.
• Then click ‘Distill page.’
The page will now open with the reader mode, now read the information without any disturbance. When finish reading or want to disable the reader mode, click the browser’s ‘Back’ button. The original webpage will come back again.
Rdx Tango is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Devin has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as office.com/setup.