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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on |

How to write a personal statement


Further education, career, or even future life often depend on being able to write a personal statement correctly. It is only by looking at this document that the admissions committee, the consul, or the future employer will instantly form an idea of you — successful, educated, experienced, or insecure and unpromising. It is important to have your own skills here, and it is unlikely that any essay writing service will help you.

In this article, we will highlight all the stages of writing a personal statement and tell you how to win the recipient's favor.  

Structure of a personal statement

Writing any text requires preparation, and it's needless to say that a personal statement needs even more responsibility. It has nothing in common with writing a simple book review essay or your home assignment on biology. That's why we don't recommend you to take on this complicated process the night before the deadline: a positive result is possible only if you return to the text several times, improving it. 

Note that the structure of the personal statement may vary, depending on your final goal. There are different types of personal statements, and you can create your own layout. In any case, any kind should contain the following information:

Who am I writing to, and what's my purpose?

The first paragraph should interest the recipient and motivate him to finish reading the letter. 

You can start by using a quote, an interesting expression. This part of the letter should be related to the company or the training program you are applying to. Ideally, if you find words to demonstrate that you are someone who they are looking for.

You should also indicate who the letter is addressed to and for what purpose. Write the name of the organization you are addressing carefully. A misspelling of the name may be an indication of your negligence and inattention. This is the first negative image that can ruin your overall impression of you.

Next, include the purpose of writing your letter (for visa purposes, university admission, and so on).

Who are you? What do you want to accomplish? 

The second paragraph is dedicated to you. The information should be clear, concise, and on the subject. Write briefly about your age, education, and skills. If you are applying to a university and are writing a letter to the embassy, be sure to include the university's name, the major, and the degree you intend to obtain. Justify why you have chosen this major. 

Describe the goals you have already achieved in this area — education, practical experience. Briefly mention your hobbies and interests if they relate to your major. If you have participated in internships, master classes, competitions, be sure to tell about it. Show yourself as a flexible, purposeful, ambitious person. But do not overdo it - no one can be perfect.

Pay attention to one more detail: if you are writing a letter for university admission, then emphasize your academic success — good grades, conference speeches, participation in competitions, and so on.

If your letter is for an employer, focus on work experience, master classes, and hobbies. It is essential to define the purpose of your essay clearly and describe the strong points that will be of interest to the person making the decision about the admission.

What will the achievement of your goal give you in the future?

Thank the recipient for the time spent on your personal statement. 

The last paragraph should clearly describe the benefits you will get from achieving your desired goal. The more convincing and understandable you will be in this paragraph, the better your chances of attracting attention and getting a positive response.

You can list specific skills by acquiring which you will improve the situation in the company, establishment, or country in the future. The ending should contain "strong" phrases and expressions because they leave an impression of what you have read.

The personal statement serves as an advertisement for you. Highlight your best traits of character and achievements, make the recipient interested. Create the impression of an educated and unique person with great potential, and the enrollment letter will not take long. If you have any doubts, you can always read it out to your friends and family and ask for their help and pieces of advice.  

How to write a personal statement (image Pixabay)