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Did you realize that 500 Million straws are utilized day by day, just in the United States alone!?! That number would fill more than 125 school transports with straws EVERY SINGLE DAY. 500 MILLION straws per day. That is 175 billion per year. That is sufficient straws to fold over the Earth's outline 2.5 times each day. Furthermore, those straws need to finish up some place – landfills, our delightful seas… .
So what would we be able to do to help?
When going to eateries and bars, basically ask for no straw with beverage orders.
There are some incredible reusable straw alternatives to keep at home for children, for reusable to-go mugs, water bottles and to bring to eateries. These straws come in tempered steel, glass, silicon, paper, bamboo, et and here is an organization that is making consumable straws out of kelp! the Lolistraw by Loliware. For increasingly reusable straw choices, look at these.
Connect with an eatery or business in your locale about embracing an offer first approach, inquiring as to whether they'd like a straw by any means, instead of consequently giving them.
Here is a table tent (made by a wonderful 10 yr old who began his very own BE Straw Free crusade!) that you can print out and take to eateries for your table:
Help spread mindfulness by illuminating loved ones of exactly how unsafe straws are to our planet. Offer via web-based networking media: #stopsucking, #nostrawplease, #strawfree