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Satindra Chauhan

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Learn 9 Instagram Story Tricks | Transform your page


Instagram posts may have been one of the most attractive content on this image-based social network at one time, but with the advent of Instagram stories and the increase in the features of this Instagram section, stories have gradually replaced Instagram posts and timelines. Today, whether we like it or not, other Instagram stories have replaced the timeline.

Many other Instagram users just look at the stories so that they do not get involved in all the content published on Instagram. In this article, we at Sociallygo review and teach 11 Instagram story tricks with which you can transform your page, so stay tuned.

Learn Instagram Story Tricks | Start a transformation
In this article, we want to teach you several tricks for your Instagram story on the Instagram Follower and Like Shopping Site, which you can easily use to give your Instagram page unparalleled charm and keep your audience satisfied.

1- Do not forget narration!
Instagram Story Tricks
You may have come across pages that narrate the events of the day in their stories. From the start of a beautiful spring or autumn morning to watching the sunset by the sea, your story may be different.
Start your day at an art gallery, programming company, or a startup. Share your stories and experiences with your audience and let them follow.

Avoid posting images or text in a row. Try to make your narrative an attractive combination of textual and visual narrative. Picture of a beautiful historic house in the center of the city that others were unaware of, immediately tell a little about its past and the history of that historic house now.

2- Do not underestimate the miracle of Insta stickers.
Instagram stickers
One of the winners of the Instagram story section is its stickers. In Instagram posts, it is difficult to put a sticker, and this must be done with other third-party software, and the same cannot be done on Instagram. But Insta Story does not suffer from this problem, and by periodically adding new and attractive stickers to people's stories, it has always helped to make this section more popular.

Occasional stickers are another good feature of the Instagram story stickers section. If you are careful, Instagram will add personalized stickers for users in each region according to nationality, religion and interests. Nowruz stickers and Yalda night stickers are one of these Instagram actions that have excited its Australia users for some time now.

3- Special stickers make you special.
Instagram sticker and gif
Add special occasion stickers, location, sticker gifs and hashtag stickers to make your Instagram stories more attractive . Your audience should realize the appeal of your brand from the diversity of your page.
Avoid putting too many light or kitty stickers on pages with a heavy or formal theme. For each page that fits the theme of that page, put stickers.

4- Polls, the missing link of fascinating stories
Ask questions of your followers
You may not know it, but many people like to have more participation on your page than commenting or liking! Do not manage your authoritarian page, sometimes give your users the opportunity to participate in the poll and choose the topic of the day's activities.
Posting a poll of users about the new logo of the page, the new template and theme or the filter you have chosen for your posts can help your followers to contribute more to your page. If you want increase your page authority you need to buy Instagram followers Australia.

Learn 9 Instagram Story Tricks | Transform your page

5- Put the date of events in the story
Setting a date for the event you are talking about or posting a photo of can sometimes help. Do not include this in your public works and only use it occasionally to add variety to your stories.

6- Make the background transparent
To make your stories more attractive, you can also play with the background of your stories. Clarifying the background of the stories and writing on this transparent background can help you to have a special space in your stories and to nail the followers more!

To create a transparent background, you can give transparency to your background image by choosing a magic brush and choosing one of your colors and reducing the amount of color intensity and then placing your finger on the screen and holding it for up to 3 seconds.

7- Get ideas from other pages
Get ideas from competing pages
Don't miss the idea. Never allow yourself to limit yourself to a few old ideas. Find new ideas. One of the best ways to handle this is to look at professional storytelling sites that are clearly working on their content and appeal. External pages can also help you learn new tricks and ideas in Instagram storytelling.

If you see something new, contact the admin page and ask easily how it did it. Learn to write a lot of new tricks and use them sequentially or randomly. Random use of different Instagram story tricks helps you not to have a monotonous page and always create up-to-date, fresh and attractive content.

8- Get ideas from your followers
Getting ideas from followers and learning tricks from followers can also be useful for you, hold an Instagram contest. Draw on one of your posts or stories and appreciate the top ideas given.

You can also contribute by posting some of the best ideas for your page that users have given you, and by posting polls for or against other users. Gives a score in its algorithms. Also, you have made users dependent on the page.

9- Zoom the game in the story
Zooming in and out quickly in video stories is one of the almost forgotten tricks, people like old but forgotten tricks to use again, use them. All you have to do is slide your finger slightly up and down the screen to hold the zoom in and out while holding your fingers on the Story Video Recording button. Zooming in can help you focus and focus on a specific task or subject or object.

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