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Dig-Deeper Into Integrated Marketing Communication
Brands around the globe today are busy in making their presence feel to audience by focusing on a massive communication spree. This modern method of conveying messages and gaining customers has evolved into a mixed web of several methods and is entirely called Integrated Marketing Communication which means to make use of all aspects of organization, marketing, sales and events. The ever growing demand for integrated marketing communication has been the result of changing consumer demography due to the global reach of brands. This fact, combined with technology based on web, internet, messaging, smart devices, providing lightning fast communication makes IMC more and more complex. Making use of different aspects to develop the communication mix and to integrate them into the main goal of the organization is yet another important aspect of IMC.
What Integrated Marketing Communication Have In It?
IMC starts right from the organization inner self or culture which decides the way in which entire communication will focus upon. Media advertising using print media, audio visual aids and digital media like websites, social media platforms, etc. are also part of this combination. Going ahead, IMC covers marketing mix, sales promotion, events and sponsorship. This entire gamut of efforts to communicate has built up the unique and grouped communication, giving 360 degree coverage to promoter to communicate the message.
Barriers In Integrated Marketing Communication
This ever increasing desire by all parties and firms to communicate has created a disturbance in the medium of communication, making it confusing and noise in the message which reduces its reach. Continuous bombardment of message from all directions and mediums has made IMC a very tough task to achieve the goal of conveying information to the audience.
Finishing It Up
We can say that in the present global market the purpose of achieving growth, stability and better future prospects, IMC is the most effective tool. IMC is the requisite of one and all that are thirsty for making their appearance big, amongst the consumers, stakeholders and interested parties. Integrated marketing communication is the key element to achieve all communication goals.