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Sophia Williams

Digital Marketing Manager | Posted on |

Quick Small Business Loans


Quick Small Business Loans

For all the small businesses that require quick small business loans, Funding Easily provides them with the solution they require. Banks do not prefer to fund small businesses and the reason for that is because banks consider small businesses to be ‘high risk investments’. Generally banks prefer to fund big businesses and corporations.

The criteria that Funding Easily has as a private quick business loans to provide you with a loans online is very different from those of banks, and are mentioned below here. The criteria banks have is stringent to say the least and most small businesses find it very difficult to meet these criteria. This is one of the primary reasons that up to 90% of all small business loans are rejected by banks.

Our funding criteria are mentioned here;

1. The business needs to be at least 12 months old and a running business.

2. The gross income of the business needs to be at least $10 thousand.

3. The owner of the business should not be in any form of active bankruptcy at the time of the loan application.

These are easy and simple criteria for any small business to comply with and meet for a quick business funding. In addition to this however there are numerous other features that are also associated with the business loans that we provide to make it a simple process for small businesses. There are also other features that are associated with the funding that we provide you with.

One of the features that make applying for cash advance USA easier is the fact that we do not ask for above average credit scores. In fact we do not require high credit scores at all to provide you with a business loan. We often work with credit scores that are below average, and also those that are in the mid to low 500s. Banks on the other hand do not give fast business loans, and do require credit scores that are above average and if possible in the high 700s or above.

As a private easy business loans Funding Easily does also process the applications we receive in record time. Typically, we are able to process all the loan applications we get in a matter of hours and can even dispatch the best small business loans into your business account in a matter of 48 to 72 hours from the time of receiving a complete application. At the most this time frame would be a week to 10 days. Banks on the other hand take a couple of months at the least and more time at the most.

The other advantages of applying for a bad credit small business loans is the fact that we do not ask small businesses to provide us with collateral and security. Banks on the other hand will always ask for this as they do require to secure their funding or investment.

For more information related to the loans that we provide, you can contact us. Our funding team will provide you with the information you require and also provide you with the assistance you require to fill the application. On the other hand you can do it yourself by simply clicking on the ‘apply now’ tab and filling in your details.