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Sophia Williams

Digital Marketing Manager | Posted on |

Small Business Loans for Women


Small Business Loans for Women

We provide business women with business loans for women and our procedure is hassle free, simple and quick. The funding that we provide is designed to provide you with an experience that is hassle free all the way. Banks do not prefer to fund small businesses, and many small business owners who have been turned down by the banks know this. The qualification criteria that they have in place for small business owners is stringent and most fail to make the cut. As a result of this over 90% of all small business applications are rejected by the banks.

We provide small business loans for women and our criteria are extremely reasonable, practical and simple. As a result of the criteria that we have, most small businesses are easily able to qualify for the funding. Mentioned below here are the criteria that we have, and these are designed to provide small businesses with a hassle free and quick process.

These are the parameters that we have, and based on these simple and easy qualification parameters which are very different from those of the banks, most small businesses are able to qualify. There are also additional features that are mentioned below here that explain why and how our procedure is so smooth and quick.

The processing time frames that we have for the loan for woman owned business is very quick, and at the quickest we are able to provide you with the funding as soon as within 48 to 72 hours from the time we receive that application. At the most this time frame will be 7 to 10 days. Banks on the other hand do require a lot more time than this, and generally work around time frames of a couple of months or over that period of time.

The credit scores are also not a limiting factor for small businesses, as we do not require excellent credit scores for anything. We often work with credit scores that are in the mid to low 500s, and we do fund them also. Banks on the other hand do require high credit scores, and would prefer to work with credit scores that are in the 700s.

Another interesting feature that we have associated with the business funding for women is the fact that our loans are all uncollateralized loans, and we do not require any sort of collateral and security. Banks simply do not give uncollateralized loans and many small businesses do not have the collateral to provide, even if they meet all the other requirements of the banks.

For more information related to the women owned small business loans that we provide, contact us. Our funding team will provide you with the information you require, and also assist you with the application form.