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Lene Soe

Therapist | Posted on |

Trustworthy Aarhus therapist


I knew I needed to see a therapist. However, one of my core problems was trusting others. So it was twice as much challenge for me to see a therapist. Without building trust it is not possible for any therapist to help me overcome my internal conflicts. I was not sure how I would go about dealing with all the challenges I was facing.

One of my friends introduced me to this Århus Terapeut. I was initially skeptical because I still wasn’t sure whether it would work. I did meet this therapist for the initial session as my friend continued to pester me to fix an appointment with her. Finally, when I met her, I was surprised myself. First of all I have not seen any therapist so far. I had my own impressions about the therapists. However, she was nothing like what I had imagined and that surprised me a great deal. Secondly, it was not as challenging as I thought it would be for me to share things with a stranger. It was certainly the biggest surprise for me indeed.

Right from the first meeting this therapist impressed me. I liked the non-threatening, friendly approach of this therapist. I am sure she is the best Terapeut Århushas to offer. While she was very friendly, she knew how to keep things very professional. The initial impression was very crucial because if the initial impression were not to be good then I do not think I would have continued with this therapist.

Of course I did not open up immediately. I took my own time and the therapist did not speed things up. Let me work at my own pace. I eventually was able to build that trust and I could share openly with the therapist. It was such a wonderful journey for me. I am feeling light and free now after a few sessions with the therapist. Every session had some important takeaway for me. So I would say it was money and time well spent because the takeaways were life changing. Without this therapist, I do not think it would have been possible for me to overcome my internal issues. I am grateful to this therapist who patiently worked with me.

One of the most trustworthy therapists in Aarhus. I do not think I will look for another therapist. She is caring, willing to listen and most importantly she does not force her views and solutions on to me. She lets me take my own decisions. She just facilitates the process. I wish I came to her much earlier and I would not have wasted all those years that I had wasted.

Looking back I am happy to notice that I have left behind all the unnecessary baggage which was preventing me from going to the next level. I am glad that I have worked through all those limiting attitudes. I feel highly empowered and I am sure I can reach great heights now.