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There is a big mystery about why we should take proper sleep? Why humans need more sleep than others?
Proper sleep protects our mental and physical health resulting in improvement in productivity and concentration. Moreover, it also helps to boost your immune system.
However, sleeping during your period is somewhat difficult. During the period you can feel uncomfortable, worried about which condition you will find yourself at the time of wake up and many others.
Sleep is essential for everyone, especially when we are facing a monthly period. Here are some things to follow to take proper sleep during your monthly period.
Keep Your Bedroom Cool
The body temperature increases during your period. In winter, this is ok, while in summer you can face extra sweat and uncomfortable. So keep your room fresh during your period week. Open the window of your room and allow fresh air to enter.
Stay Worried From Leakage
Leakage is a reason for not taking proper sleep on a monthly period. Moreover, leakage becomes a nightmare in the lives of many women. You need to get worried about leakage to take proper sleep and feel comfortable. To avoid this, change your period protection products, use organic pantyliners, pads, or tampons instead of others.
Due to natural changes in your hormone balance, you may feel anxiety and depression on your period. This thing is also effective during the night.
If you are comfortable in your period for exercise, you should take exercise. To do exercise, you can choose a gym or ore-sleep yoga. After doing the exercise, you surely feel comfortable and can take proper sleep during the period night.
Use reliable period production products
The period protection products are also responsible for our comfort during our period cycle. You need to use organic period protection products such as organic tampons, pads, or panty liners. You can purchase these products from our online store also.
Conventional period protection products contain chemicals, pesticides, and plastic, resulting in itchiness, clamminess, and irritation. So it is crucial to protect yourself from these products.
Set your routine
If you are waking and falling asleep at the same time daily, your mind and body know when you are going to feel awake and tired. In addition to this, place your phone next to your pillow and take asleep at night.
We hope our ways are proved helpful for you to take a better sleep at night during your monthly period. For subscription tampons, pads, and panty liners visit Tampon Tribe!