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Dr. Supreena Narayanan

Content writer | Posted on | science-technology

What are the 10 Ways to Make Your Podcast Sound More Professional?


We bet your podcast is a successif you have agoodidea and can celebrate the occasion. Thegood news is that gettinghigh-qualityaudio is now more accessible and affordable thanever. Thisaspect means that even essentialgearwon't cost a fortune; you can still manage that part of the puzzle.

What are the 10 Ways to Make Your Podcast Sound More Professional?

Youshouldalso remember that podcasting is notjustaboutaudio quality. Hereare some tips that will help you launch asuccessful podcast. Theywill be helpfulin terms ofsound quality and consistentresults.

  1. Initially find a quiet place with plenty of space.

Flat,hard surfaces reflect light in the same wayasamirror, and you'llbesnuggled upagainstthe flat,hard surfacesofyourcloset. Randomblankets to be used in the bedroomcan be considereda treat.Adding to any benefits youmightsee.

  1. Try placing the indirect microphone

Speaking at a 45-degree angle to the microphone means that airdoes not enterdirectly into the diaphragm when youspeak. Thismove reduces the number ofloud sounds.

two black headphones on brown wooden table

Don'tspeak from an extreme angle. Otherwise, you willspeak withazeropickup pattern for directionalmicrophones. As a result, yourvoice should sound morenatural. Youcan experiment withmicrophoneplacement and record test audio to determinewhichsound best suits your voice.

  1. Don't be too careful with your inputs

Speak inan average to loud voice to set a moderate input level.(That's abouthalfway on most meters)Thenyou can test the levels by laughing or using an emphaticphrase. Thisfactor will ensure that the level does not exceed 0 dBFS or go"red."

  1. Recording Hi-Res Audio Files

You don't want tocreatean M4A, MP3, or AACfile. Theyreduce thehigh-frequencyrange and cutthefrequencies that makethe performancesoundnatural. Theseartifactscanalso be caused by badencoding. Theycanget worse over time. Savingahigh-qualityAIFF or WAV file is the bestsolution.

  1. Start with a plan, then take your time to create a great presentation.

Editing a script can be mucheasierthan editingaudio. Italso gives you theadvantageof having all your ideas in aneasy-to-seeformat.

  1. If possible, register remote hosts and co-hosts separately

Another option isold-fashionedtapesynchronization. Sign upand ask your remotehostfor a WAV/AIFF file to send to you. The files are thensynchronized.

  1. Try to get more insurance subscriptions when working remotely

Three recordings are likely toproduceusablesound. From time to time,nevertheless,thisis not constantly thecase. Theinternet connectionmaybe slow for a second, and they may losetheir words. Ifwe hear something important to is, we will ask the person to repeat it, it is insured.

  1. You'll need twice as much time to mix and edit

Podcast productiondoesn'tjustincluderecording andscripting. Editing,mixing, and quality control are alsoinvolved. Thefinal step in podcast production is qualitycontrol.Your work isexemplary.This action should take as long as it takes to listen to thepodcast. Asageneral rule,you shouldplan forat least twosets.

  1. The better the mixture, the less you add.

Podcasts are sorarethatit'seasier to hear everything you do in themix. Thisfactor means that extramovementswill be heard and leave their mark on the audio signal.

  1. For quality control, take your project to common listening locations

Listen to your podcast at least once outsideofyour work environment during the quality control process.You'rethe only person with your listening environment, so your podcast should sound great to everyone.

Produce your next podcast

black and silver headphones on black and silver microphone

These tipsrepresent an optimal scenario. Thisguide assumes you will follow the recordingsteps above tomixadequately andplan your tempo andother relevantadvice. Sometimesyou may not control the recording process, andthe sound is poor. Thesesituations are why we recommend the followingtips. Andif you're in control of audio,tryto get aprofessional-qualitypodcast with these tips. You should too keep in mind that podcasting is not presently about audio quality. We hope you enjoyed reading the tips that will help you launch a successful podcast. They will be supportive in terms of sound quality in addition to reliable results.