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What Does report Proofreading Involve?


The most simple definition of Proofreading one can get is 'Proofreading is the process of reviewing the final draft of a work, article, report, etc. to ensure consistency and accuracy in fields like grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting.' Basically, this means that Proofreading is the process of reviewing the final version, or draft, of a piece of writing to make sure there are no spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes, and that the format of the writing is correct.

A Proofreader stakes his reputation on each piece of work he proofreads. Mistakes left in the draft, or perhaps even introduced by the editing of the Proofreader, can be disastrous for the Proofreader's career: his clients are liable to leave him, and with good cause, because who wants to hire a Proofreader who himself makes mistakes?

What Does report Proofreading Involve?

Chief Mistakes Fixed During Proofreading

The purpose of the proofreader is to rigorously grind out any mistakes, error or miscalculations made by the author. When a Proofreader finishes with an article, it should be completely free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors of any kind.

Commercial Proofreading: A Dangerous Venture

It is always more hard to proofread commercial business reports. Their content is harder to understand and comprehend. Certain grammatical mistakes are not unintended errors, but is part of the report writing format. And accuracy must be a 100%, as even a single mistake by the Proofreader can result in a disaster for the client.

Thus, commercial report proofreading is always entrusted to and handled by trustworthy and experienced Proofreaders. Most Proofreaders have a Ph.D or Master’s, but report Proofreader are always required to have some sort of a business degree, as the courses for those particular degrees include being taught how to write reports.

Most websites that offer Proofreading for reports employ a team of varied specialists and experts, who have all been through the crucibles of business school and know the proper formats, styles and ways for writing reports. Proofreading prices for reports and other commercial documents vary, but generally remain low, as Proofreading in and of itself is a very cheap, and easy to avail service.