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“If you want to know about the importance of building permission in Toronto, then you need to read the rest of this article”.
When you extend a property in Toronto, you need to get building permission. You need not worry because if you hire a company for lot grading and other such services, then they would take care of this as well. Getting a building permit is nothing but necessary. This is to check if the plan is safe for the property and the neighbourhood area or not.
However, do you know the consequences of not taking Building Permit Richmond Hill ? No? Then this is the article you must read.
* If you do not get building permit, then you will actually face the consequences when you decide to sell your property or may be, refinance it.
* You might also be charged with heavy fines if an inspector drives by your home and sees that construction is going on.
* You might also feel heavy repercussions when a home catastrophe happens and the neighbourhood suffers due to the faulty work at your property.
But you might wonder what if the previous homeowner has made some renovation and did not apply for permit? Or what should you do if the DIY bug hit you at some point of time and you did the renovation without any kind of permit? Well, in both the cases you will face serious issues when you plan to sell the house! The cost of getting a permit again absolutely depends on the kind of renovation done on the property. It also depends on the inspector.
Selling a House without Building Permit
If you are planning to sell your house without Building Permit Vaughan , try to get a cash buyer. Though let me be very honest with you – the chances are really less. When the buyer would get a loan, the lender would order an appraisal. An appraiser would take a look at your house/property and then start gathering information about the same. Then the issues will start arising that you cannot really ignore. It can even lead to your buyer backing off from purchasing your house. Isn’t that really upsetting?
Even if the loan is not an issue, buyers might look for other property owners, because your integrity might get questioned.
One more thing which I would like to point out is that many people have this belief that homeowner’s insurance won’t cover non-permitted work. This is not the case!
Permits and Refinancing
For refinancing your house, an appraisal might be required. If the inspector has approved remodelling to the existing building codes, those changes are generally recorded and stay with the tax assessor. A homeowner looking to refinance his house might get turned down when the amount doesn’t meet the value just because of the non-permitted work.
As a house owner, you are entitled to pay the fines that are associated with the same.
I hope that this article was helpful for you all. If you have any queries, then you can write to me and I would be happy to help you out.
To know more about MOE Package Toronto , kindly read my next set of articles.