Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on |
Aeromodelling is the activity involving design, development and flying of small air vehicles. Aeromodelling generally involves small sized flying objects like Radio Controlled Aircraft (RC Aircraft), Gliders, Ornithopters, Boomerangs and Paper Planes. You get to express your creativity in the aircraft you create and have opportunities to prove their air-worth in local and international competitions. It is an international hobby as well as sport. Aeromodelling is widely recognized as an international aviation sport governed by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale(FAI). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles flying in the vicinity of passenger aircraft have been a cause to the concern to the aviation industry worldwide and in the past few years, several countries have introduced rules to ensure flight safety. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has put model aircraft in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) category, thus bringing the entire Aeromodelling industry under the same stringent norms laid down for UAV operations.
Unlike many other sports, the competitions related to Aeromodelling are less known and quite unknown. The Aeromodelling industry is starting to build its grounds in most of the countries but there are few countries which are not familiar with the term “Aeromodelling” or maybe they consider it as something related Aeronautical Engineering.
There are as many competitions related to Aeromodelling many of them conducted by IITs, Aeromodelling clubs, etc. All of these events are either related to building drones or just building still aircrafts. What make MAYVI so special is that the event is that it is for the first time in India that the building, flying and evaluation have been done in a 24-hour session. The competition was also the first to include both the professional as well the beginners in the field of Aeromodelling on the same competition and all the participants were given equal priority. All the participants have never felt drowsy during the whole night which shows their zeal towards building something productive which in turn gave them the happiness when they flew the aircraft. The best part of this event is while the winner gets the prizes the remaining get the benefit of a never before experience.
“We hope the event have entertained all the participants. Our aim through MAYVI is to encourage young Aeromodellers who are willing to build something out there but don’t have the proper support they need and also to bring awareness about Aeromodelling.” said Ted Solomon, CEO& Founder, Aero2Astro Innovation Labz. The event, from the words of event organizers, was conducted in order to motivate the people across the country so that young or old, student or working individual could understand the benefits of Aeromodelling. In many countries Aeromodelling is considered as a family activity, but in India many don’t know what Aeromodelling is and at least after MAYVI people understands it.
“The ultimate aim of this event is not to judge the winner or loser. It’s all about bringing happiness and satisfaction to all and we believe we succeeded in doing so. ”
MAYVI is a unique event conducted by Aero2Astro Innovation Labz, Chennai. Aero2Astro is a Research and Development based start-up by students. Aero2Astro works on the Aeronautics and Aerospace industries. Aero2Astro is primary concerned about the projects that it is doing in the fields of Aeronautics as well Aerospace.