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sibgat ullah

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What Role Do Parents Play in Their Child’s Education


may seem that the only function of parents, whose children attend school, is to control their academic progress. This point of view has appeared because of the big number of parents, who do not wish to be involved in their children’s school life. In reality, the role of parents in the education of their children is of utmost importance and usually children of more active parents who participate in the school life study much better than those ones, who ignore school visits. Another vital factor is the reason why some parents agree to visit a school. In most cases, it is has nothing to do with the improvement of their children’s success. There are examples of people, who come to the school building only to reproach teachers, some of naughty classmates or administration. Such behavior not only proves that these people are indifferent to everything that happens with their children until they complain about something but also diminishes school and teachers in the eyes of their children.