Should Dhoni retire from Indian cricket team and make way for youngsters? - letsdiskuss
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Komal Verma

Media specialist | Posted on | Sports

Should Dhoni retire from Indian cricket team and make way for youngsters?


Cashier ( Kotak Mahindra Bank ) | Posted on


Mahendra Singh Dhoni is the most successful captain of Indian cricket team till date. Crossing one milestone to another, he has taken Indian team to a whole different level on the global map, not just with his incredible captaincy but also as an extraordinary batsman who has an unmatched capability of batting under extreme pressure.

This alone should be enough to credit this man the right to decide when he should hang his boots. One shouldn’t really force him.

Moving on to the next point. After giving up his captainship to Virat Kohli, Dhoni has been performing even better both in ODI and T20 format. Plus, yes there are many good wicket keepers in line—but they all simply can’t match Dhoni. And not to mention, even when not a captain, Dhoni plays a crucial role for the entire team, with Kohli consulting him on field before making any decision. (We’re all still in awe with his instincts about DRS).

So NO!!!! Even at 36 years, Dhoni is the backbone of the entire team, contributing immensely from every angle. We all should just stop scanning him obsessively on his performance. He’s doing good— just as good as any youngster who would replace him. Plus, the psychological impact he brings on the opponents—a new player can’t do that!

We should let Dhoni decide himself when he wants to retire.


@letsuser | Posted on

Well !! Well!! Well

I think till 2019 worldcup he shouldn't

I will tell you why-

We don't have wicketkeeper like him (If you will look at shah ,parthiv or kartik) he is the best amongs them.

If you see his fitness level Very few or we can say no one is there who can run like him

And till 2019 worldcup I don't think we can produce a wicketkeeper who can bat like him at no6.

And the experience he has will always help team india.

At the same time you know virat kohli he is bit of aggressive so we need someone to pull virat kohli back and Dhoni can do that.


Founder and CEO | Posted on

So , you are the savior battling for youths of sports in India ?

Gracious , are you a similar one who is battling for ladies to get into parliament ?

What I don't comprehend is the reason should somebody get an opportunity by removing the other one who is doing his/her job consummately ? What is in this mentality ?

He is serving his job in Indian cricket crew impeccably and for what reason should he allow to another person ? Straightforward inquiry, for what reason should he ?

It ought to act naturally who should take that choice and on the off chance that he does as such all alone as a result of his compassion for other people, he will get acclaim. It ought to be from his own brain since he is all around fit doing his obligation superbly for the team.Who are we to recommend what he ought to do in his life ?

Despite the fact that he is performing admirably and driving India effectively, wouldn't you say it's treachery to request that he leave the game which he cherishes more than anything in this world and investing a great deal of energy into it. Indian cricket crew needs him and there is no other reasonable substitution for him starting at now . He is sufficiently shrewd and has enough minds to leave the game when he isn't happy with his own exhibition. No requirement for your or my proposals.