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Sumil Yadav

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Should I sign up to IFAZONE? They look nice with nice a compensation plan However, I have heard fraudulent reports Are they true?


Marketing Manager | Posted on


I am going to be honest here. I have no experience whatsoever with IFAZONE, but my two of friends have. And their experience isn’t a good one. I have heard their horror stories and it looks kind of ***** up! (Fun fact: Both of them tried to get me into this DBA thing. Thankfully, I had just joined a new job somewhere else, so I humbly declined).

They actually told me how they were mentally manipulated by the people in this company to be a part of its program, give money to them and then bring in more people. They said that while they were attracted to this company in the name of fashion, there wasn’t anything fashion in there except cheap quality clothes. There are many loopholes in this model that made money through illegal means. Also, what stood out in my separate conversations with them (friends) was the kind of people they were working with. I am going to use the exact words they described them “fraud” “cheat” “worst” “criminals”.

This whole thing about DBA sounds very fascinating and disturbing. I did some Google search and found so many stories of people calling it a fraud. And it’s actually quite scary. They are trapping people and are working at such wide scale with illegal means, yet no action has been taken against them. I wonder if the local politicians and authorities there are hand-in-hand with the owners of IFAZONE.

All being heard and seen, I would definitely advice you NOT to sign-up to IFAZONE. I have seen my friends. They gave money to this company, didn’t get the return as promised, plus all the mental tortured they had to experience there for whole 4 months. Why go there when so many people are calling it fraud?! Even if it’s a decent company, why take any chance?! You can easily find some other job that’s much better. Hopefully this helped you in your decision-making.