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Vansh Chopra

System Engineer IBM | Posted on | Education

Up to which rank is the All India Merit List for ICAI CA IPCC exam 2018 available?


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

ICAI CA IPCC exam results are out. The exams were held in May-June 2018, and yesterday, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India announced its results which can be checked on the official websites,, and

According to the reports, along with the CA results, ICAI has also announced the all India Merit List up to the 50th rank in the case of final and foundation examination only. This list can also be found at the above-mentioned websites.
Candidates are also given the option of verification of answer books by logging in to their accounts and applying from their dashboards. The last date for the application is August 28th.
Following are some highlights of the ICAI CA IPCC exam results:
• Students can get the results through SMS by sending one to 58888 in the prescribed format.
• ICAI CA IPCC exam results 2018 pass percentage:
Group I: 16.01 per cent
Group II: 13.59 per cent
Group III: 9.09 per cent
• ICAI CA IPCC exam results 2018 toppers:
AIR 1: Atul Agarwal
AIR 2: Aagam Sandipbhai Dalal
AIR 3: Anurag Bagaria