What are common myths about Rahu Mahadasha? - letsdiskuss
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Rohit Valiyan

Cashier ( Kotak Mahindra Bank ) | Posted on | Astrology

What are common myths about Rahu Mahadasha?


Content Writer | Posted on

Rahu Mahadasha stays in your kundali for specific years on the basis of your nakshatra. During these years a person is influenced by major planets in their kundali and results are based on those planets. However, having Rahu Mahadasha in your kundali doesn’t mean continuous bad luck and loss for years.

Rahu Mahadasha can turn a beggar into a king and vice versa. Below are common myths about Rahu Mahadaha.

1. Rahu Mahadasha promotes gambling and cheating.

2. It makes a person addicted to alcohol and drugs.

3. It gives health issues.

4. It pushes a person into depression.

5. It keeps you in company with bad people.

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