What are few foolproof source of side income? - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

What are few foolproof source of side income?



It depends on why you want side income in the first place. Is it your long-term investment plan, yourretirement preparation, or you simply want to make “quick money”. Each of these has differentavenues.

Let’s start with your immediate need. If you want to have a side income source that makes you bigmoney quickly, cryptocurrencies is your go-to. Bitcoin, Ripple and Ethereum are your best options rightnow. Each of their values is expected to increase manifold in the coming months and year. They are yourideal short-term investment plan. (Their long-term looks quite uncertain!)

For your long-term income plan, stock market is probably the best option available to you. It’s not onlysafe, but if you manage to craft the right strategy, your money in shares can provide you big andconsistent returns. To that, investing in stock market is fairly easy, with countless resources availableonline.

For your retirement plan, there’s a range of things you can do. You can first apply to governmentbenefits and apply for right LIC.

All these ways are fool-proof, guaranteeing good rewards.