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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | Sports

What are premium eggs and how are they going to help Indian shuttlers?


Physical Education Trainer | Posted on

Pullela Gopichand Badminton Academy, a very famous badminton academy of Telangana will get premium eggs from Japan for their daily consumption of their shuttlers.

According to a report, it is found that eggs from Telangana hatcheries are not good enough for badminton players.PGBA and Ise Foods, Japan have signed a deal that players of the academy will receive “premiumeggs” from the Japanese company till 2020 Olympics to be held in Tokyo.

Ise Foods produces eggs with nutritional supplements like eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, coenzyme Q 10 and arachidonic acid. As per online reports, it also produces eggs with Astaxanthin, known for its antioxidant properties.

The company claims that they do not use any antibiotics in chickens and produces eggs that are high in nutrition value for athletes.
