What are some dark secrets of Sonia Gandhi? - letsdiskuss
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What are some dark secrets of Sonia Gandhi?


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Contrary to mainstream gossipy tidbits and myths as to Feroze Gandhi!

1. Feroze Gandhi was not given the name Gandhi by Mahatma Gandhi

2. Feroze Gandhi was a Parsi. He was not a Khan or a Muslim.

3. Feroze Gandhi’s name was constantly articulated and pronounced as Gandhi.

4. Feroze Gandhi was conceived Feroze Jahangir Ghandy; he simply changed the English spelling of his last name to Feroze Jahangir Gandhi subsequent to joining the struggle of freedom in 1930, roused by Mahatma Gandhi.

5. The Hindi/Devanagari spelling was never showed signs of change since they sounded the same at any rate.

6. Additionally, he changed the English Spelling in 1930s well before his cooperation with Indira in 1942.

7. Give it a chance to be realized that Ghandy or Ghandi is as yet a prevalent surname among Parsis.

8.Dīsīmilar çāsēs: Yōū cāñ locate numerous English spellings for other Indian surnames like Agarwal (Agrawal, Aggarwal, Agarwall); Chaudhary (Choudhry, Chaudhry), Chauhan (Chouhan); Sarkar (Sarkaar).

It is in this way only a coincidence that Nehru’s family transformed into the Gandhi surname. A pitiless incongruity of destiny that the genuine Gandhis have been sidelined and overlooked while the phony Gandhis are utilizing Mahatma Gandhi’s name and are ruining the heritage of the Mahatma.


Indira Gandhi attended prominent Indian educational institute Visva-Bharati University in Santiniketan. She also studied at Oxford, but her weak academic performance and she failed in an important subject such as Latin. This prevented her from obtaining a degree. Rajiv Gandhi studied engineering at Trinity College, but couldn’t finish his degree. Then he studied Mechanical Engineer at Imperial college, again he couldn’t finish his degree there.

Rahul Gandhi first joined St. Stephen’s college in Delhi but then moved to Harvard University, dropped out in some months. He couldn’t complete his education there and moved to Rollins College where he earned his BA. But his name was registered as Raul Vinci. And then Rahul has an M.Phil from Trinity College located in Cambridge. While his mother, Sonia Gandhi doesn’t possess a degree.



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