What are some famous African Paintings? - letsdiskuss
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What are some famous African Paintings?


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African artists and paintings are as famous and popular as Leonardo Da Vinci or Pablo Picasso.

There are many paintings painted by African artists which relate to many social, economic, and political scenarios around the world and are quite famous in the artistic world. By looking at these paintings, no one can say that Africans lack artistic skill or the sense of colors.

Here are my favorite five:

1. Retopistics: A Renegade Excavation by Julie Mehretu

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: www.tuko.co.ke)

A masterpiece of abstract art, this painting is far more than what it looks. It reveals various socio-political incidents in a blend of colors, chosen very wisely and distinctly.

2. Construction of the Suez Canal by Abdul Hadi El-Gazzar

most-famous-african-paintings-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: www.tuko.co.ke)

Who is not aware of the issue that the construction of this historically and politically important Suez Canal brought? This painting by El-Gazzar depicts all of them in this painting.

3. The Teacher by Marlene Duma

most-famous-african-paintings-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: www.tuko.co.ke)

Dealing with the issue of apartheid in Africa, this painting was inspired by a school photograph of the artist who painted it.

4. Seated Nude with Oranges by Irma Stern

most-famous-african-paintings-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: www.tuko.co.ke)

Irma Stern is one of the most popular and beloved African artist and this painting tells us why. With the distinct use of colors and shades, Irma Stern touches the theme of fertility and regeneration in quite an effective way.

5. Self-Portrait of Suffering by El-Salahi

most-famous-african-paintings-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: www.tuko.co.ke)

A painting about self retrospection, it is dark and haunts the spectator in a way that is pleasing to eyes.