What are some mind-blowing technologies that exist that most people don-t know about? - letsdiskuss
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Blogger | Posted on | Science-Technology

What are some mind-blowing technologies that exist that most people don-t know about?


Seo Executive | Posted on

Gravity Light :-

Indeed this is the light that doesn't require any kind of hydro power vitality or sun based vitality to shine. It basically keeps running from gravitational vitality.

GravityLight is fueled by the lift of a weight.

As the weight falls it turns an apparatus train, driving the engine that controls the LEDs.

GravityLight needn't bother with batteries or daylight and costs nothing to run. It takes seconds to lift the weight that powers GravityLight, making 20 minutes of light on its plunge.

Fill the sack with weight (about 12kg)
Lift the sack utilizing the orange line
Sack falls gradually making light (around 20 mins)
At the point when the sack achieves the ground it very well may be lifted again.

A few specialists even say that Gravitational vitality can control the entire world if assets are used appropriately.