What are some of the weirdest fashion trends you’ve seen? - letsdiskuss
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Komal Verma

Media specialist | Posted on | Health-beauty

What are some of the weirdest fashion trends you’ve seen?


Makeup artist at Jawed Habib | Posted on

Fashion can be a very exciting industry that is constantly evolving and sometimes it can be really hard to stay on top of all the trends that are doing the rounds. However, there are so many instances, where styles that designers envision look only good on runway models and not us ‘mere mortals’. Because let’s be honest, no body looks as good in real life as do models with all the airbrushing and photoshop on the cover of a magazine. Which is why, high end brands like Zara, Mango, H&M and the like try their level best to translate those runway looks into fast trends. And often times they turn out to be a major fail. Recently, a skirt that Zara brought out (checked mini skirt), threw twitter into a frenzy for it resembled a traditional South Indian Lungi but cost four times the price. People called out the brand for ‘cultural appropriation’.


Similarly there are far too many weird trends in the fashion world that leave people amused, but here are the crème de la crème, or should I say some of the worst that deserve a special mention.

Topshop’s clear jeans- Letsdiskuss

Topshop’s clear jeans

Double jeans

Double jeans (Because one clearly wasn’t enough)

dry clear dress

Moschino’s dry clear dress

car mat skirt

Balenciaga’s car mat skirt

Pre Destroyed sneakers

Pre Destroyed sneakers, and these are placed at a whooping $1425 (Rs 91,403)!

clear boots

Yeezy clear boots (Imagine what happens when you sweat..)


Student | Posted on

Fashion has been an ever evolving industry.It’s the one of the few industries which is constantly changing and turbulent all through the year,launching summer,winter and spring collections.Fashion has come a long way from the emergence of heels and corsets to now fur sandals and clear shoes.Basically,the fashion industry, being a creative , one has brought out some extremely bizarre trends through the years. Today,I would like toshowaddress some of the weirdest trends according to me but totally appreciating the effort of the concerned designers and brand as it takes an enormous amount of time and effort to come up with these.

1.Sandals with latex socks:
This has it’s own set of problems like imagine sweating in these socks .
2.Faux fur sandals:
This has got to be by far the weirdest,hideous pair of sandals to come out.These are entirely covered with faux fur resembling your bathroom slippers.
Faux fur sandals
3.Clear plastic jeans and skirt:
Bottoms like these must be hard to handle in summers but they spread like wildfire.
Clear plastic jeans and skirt
4.Meat knee jeans:
This is from the time fashion collaborated with the food industry which is a rare occurrence.
Meat knee jean
5.Fried chicken leg pants:
.Fried chicken leg pant
6.Dripping paint tights:
The designer probably took art to another level while making these.
Dripping paint tights
7.Taxidermied baby alligator handbag:
This was probably made to ward off the bad.
Taxidermied baby alligator handbag


@letsuser | Posted on
