What are some successful and motivational stock market investment stories for beginners? - letsdiskuss
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Dharm Dass

Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

What are some successful and motivational stock market investment stories for beginners?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

The first story that comes to mind is that of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. He started his journey in 1985. In just 3 months, he managed to make a profit of Rs 3 lacs from his 5000 Tata Tea's shares. Following this, there was no stopping him. He continued expanding his portfolio, investing strategically and growing his wealth patiently. Today, he has accrued a wealth of Rs 20,000 crores. He is also known as the Warren Buffet of India, which is a big feat in itself.

Another renowned story is that of Nemish Shah whose net worth is over Rs 1,300 crore. Unlike many, his strategy is rather different. Instead of having a very diverse portfolio, he has invested in alimitednumber of stocks in selected industries. The strategy has worked well till now; he is renowned as one of thetopretailinvestors in India.

Raamdeo Agarwal is another popular name in the Indian stock investment scene. He is a co-founder of Motilal Oswal Group. He started his journey in the stock market in 1980 and in the next 15 years, he managed to create a portfolio for himself worth Rs 10 crore. (It was a VERY big amount backinthose days. His investment was/is largely influenced by the strategies and teachings of mighty Warren Buffet. Today, he has amassed over Rs 6,500 crore. These are 3 big names that largely influenced and motivated me in taking stock trading.


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