What are some things that should never be seen? - letsdiskuss
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What are some things that should never be seen?


Army constable | Posted on

As per Red Label advertisement, individuals of Hindu religion are futile, merciless and in reverse reasoning who don't accepting things from any Muslim shop even today. Also, they don't regard their folks and leave their dad in an enormous reasonable like Kumbh. mind blowing? So in must see all the advertisements on the double:


(2). Red Label advertisement

(3). Red Label advertisement

In the event that you first promotion (1). On the off chance that you take a gander at this, at that point you will locate that as indicated by this promotion, a Muslim granddad makes a sculpture of Ganesh ji and gives evidence of goodness, though, a Hindu little leaning man won't take his godlike object!

The subsequent promotion (2) shows that a Muslim lady with a major heart calls a Hindu couple for tea however them two will not have tea by giving confirmation of their regressive reasoning.

Try not to discuss third advertisement (3). The Hindu man appeared in this has crossed all the cutoff points. Left his own dad at the Kumbh Mela. Amazing, Red Label.

An awful picture of Hinduism has been made from these three advertisements and we have been informed that the individuals of Hinduism are in reverse reasoning. Individuals of some other religion could likewise be focused on, or could even turn out to be advertisement without focusing on. Be that as it may, not. Maybe it isn't called mainstream on the grounds that as per the individuals of today, affronting Hindu religion is called secularism.

I am not against any religion, I am simply against such journalists and promotions who simply target Hindu religion and think about it as secularism.