What are some tips to clear JEE Mains 2019? - letsdiskuss
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Lina Carner

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What are some tips to clear JEE Mains 2019?


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If you’re taking tuitions or coaching from some teacher or institute, they are likely the best people to provide you tips to clear JEE Mains 2019. Not only have they cracked the exam themselves, but they also know the kind of student you are much closely. So, they can assess your performance and give personalized tips.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Indian Today)

But that aside, here are 7 tips to clear JEE Mains 2019:

(i) Do you really want to be an engineer?

I know this is possibly the last thing you want to hear right now. BUT it’s important.

Do you really want to choose engineering as your career stream? Do you really want to be an engineer? Are you sure you’re not giving up on your dreams just to oblige your parents? Are you sure you’re NOT simply following the herd of students blindly aiming for engineering?

Please, please, ponder on this very seriously. Don’t opt for this career path just because it’s popular, your friends are doing it and your parents have asked you for this. Change your direction, if you’re not happy. There are so many, many great opportunities. You just have to look around. Don’t waste your life. Please.

That aside, here are some common tips to clear JEE Mains 2019…

(ii) Take up online mock tests

The Internet is filled with JEE Mains mock tests. Some are free, others are paid. Once you’ve finished your curriculum, go for the free mock tests. See how you score. If needed, revise your textbooks again. And then go about taking up paid mock tests, from the right websites, that are usually more rigorous and accurate in terms of actual pattern.

The more mock tests you take, the better you’ll be prepared.

(iii) Understand the question pattern

Be very certain of the question paper pattern. On the big day, you don’t want any surprises. Usually, the mock tests would give you the right understanding of the pattern. But even then, keep an eye on the latest news just in case if any change is announced.

(iv) Revise and revise some more

Once you’re finished with the curriculum, revise as much as you can. But remember to be systematic in your approach. Focus on sections that are more likely to come this year. Also, factor what you already know, what you don’t, what you’re uncomfortable with, what you dislike. Be strategic in your approach. Spread your time proportionately and carefully.

jee-mains-preparation-tips-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: LiveMint)

(v) Don’t avoid the difficult questions (BUT don’t spend too much time on them either)

There are students who completely avoid the parts that are difficult, and they don’t like. And then there are those who spend too much time in complicated chapters and questions, believing that they are very important. Don’t be in any of these groups.

There’s a good chance you will come across many complicated questions on your JEE Mains 2019. If you know nothing about those parts, you won’t get much in return even when you’re spending more time in them when studying. You’re better off revising the chapters that you already know.

All in all, understand the relevance of questions not based on how difficult or easy they are but on how likely they are to come in the exam and how comfortable you are in dealing with them.

(vi) Ace time management

Every minute is precious in runner-up to JEE Mains 2019. So, be perceptive of where and how you’re spending your time. Set small goals and distribute your time for those goals smartly. Don’t spend too much in select chapters that make you miss the other ones.

Similarly, you’ve got to be careful and fully prepared to complete attempting all your questions on the D-Day within the stipulated time. Again, if you’re spending enough time in the mock tests, you would automatically get used to distributing your time on each question equally.

(vii) Relax, calm down and have some fun

All work, no play makes Jack a dull boy.

So, don’t spend all your days in your room, studying. Going overboard will only make you less productive and this will hurt you more. So, take breaks often. Go out and have some fun with friends. Lighten up your mood with some YouTube and Netflix. Eat healthily. Exercise. And just aim to keep yourself calmed and happy. Never push the ropes. Taking too much stress will hurt your studying habits.

These are 7 basic tips to clear JEE Mains 2019.

Good luck!